Evaluation of Changes in Citalopram Prescribing Patterns Following a US Food and Drug Administration Alert: A Retrospective Cohort Study
February 12, 2015
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning stating that patients older than 60 years are not recommended to receive doses of citalopram exceeding 20 mg daily...
Incidence and Timing of Taper/Posttherapy-Emergent Adverse Events Following Discontinuation of Desvenlafaxine 50 mg/d in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder
February 5, 2015
Here, review results from a post hoc analysis that evaluated the tolerability of long-term desvenlafaxine for major depressive disorder at discontinuation using a taper regimen compared with abrupt discontinuation.Â
Depression and Anxiety Following Early Pregnancy Loss: Recommendations for Primary Care Providers
January 29, 2015
Emotional distress usually follows early pregnancy loss. This reaction tends to improve over time, but women should be screened for depression and anxiety in case a formal evaluation and...
Impact of the Creation and Implementation of a Clinical Management Guideline for Personality Disorders in Reducing Use of Mechanical Restraints in a Psychiatric Inpatient Unit
December 25, 2014
Mechanical restraints can be psychologically harmful for both patients and staff. To reduce such procedures in their inpatient psychiatric unit, the authors of this study designed a guideline centered...
Illness Progression as a Function of Independent and Accumulating Poor Prognosis Factors in Outpatients With Bipolar Disorder in the United States
December 18, 2014
Many patients with bipolar disorder in the United States experience a deteriorating course of illness despite naturalistic treatment in the community. In this study, Post and colleagues explored this...
Nonpsychiatric Medication Interventions Initiated by a Postgraduate Year 2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Resident in a Patient-Centered Medical Home
December 15, 2014
The University of Southern California's Psychiatric Pharmacy clinic provides comprehensive medication management (CMM) to a caseload of patients referred by their primary care provider (PCP) to manage established psychiatric...
Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Disorders in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Review of the Literature
December 11, 2014
How well are sleep problems being managed in your patients with PTSD? Insomnia, nightmares, sleep apnea, and sleep movement disorders are common in these patients. Read this journal CME...
A Cross-Sectional Survey of Childhood Trauma and Compliance With General Health Care Among Adult Primary Care Outpatients
November 13, 2014
In this cross-sectional study, we examined five types of childhood trauma and their relationships with four healthcare adherence variables in a consecutive sample of 272 internal medicine outpatients. The...