Twelve-Month Prospective Randomized Study of Pharmacists Utilizing Point-Of-Care Testing for Metabolic Syndrome and Related Conditions in Subjects Prescribed Antipsychotics
October 15, 2014
To address the gaps in metabolic monitoring, a prospective study of 120 subjects was conducted in three community mental health settings to primarily see if point-of-care testing of lipids,...
Carbamazepine in Bipolar Disorder With Pain: Reviewing Treatment Guidelines
October 15, 2014
Here, Dr Rahman and colleagues review carbamazepine's history and discuss other treatment options for chronic pain and bipolar disorder. They also explore issues of obesity and polypharmacy in this...
Screening for DSM-5 Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder in a Weight-Loss Treatment-Seeking Obese Sample
October 15, 2014
Eating disorders are common among overweight individuals in primary care settings, but often go undetected. This study aimed to determine how self-report questionnaires perform in comparison to gold standard...
Rivastigmine From Capsules to Patch: Therapeutic Advances in the Management of Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease Dementia
October 15, 2014
This review follows the progress of rivastigmine over the years, from the basics of its pharmacology and key historic clinical milestones with oral capsules, to the rationale for transdermal...
Impact of Invalidation and Trust in Physicians on Health Outcomes in Fibromyalgia Patients
October 15, 2014
Explore results from a study that assessed fibromyalgia patients' self-reported quality of life and pain based on perceptions of physician attitudes, trust in physicians, perceptions of medical professionals, type...
Impact of Pretreatment With Antidepressants on the Efficacy of Duloxetine in Terms of Mood Symptoms and Functioning: An Analysis of 15 Pooled Major Depressive Disorder Studies
October 15, 2014
In this article, review results from a post hoc analysis that explored whether patients with major depressive disorder in duloxetine trials who were antidepressant naive or who had previously...
A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Pilot Study of Milnacipran for Chronic Radicular Pain (Sciatica) Associated With Lumbosacral Disc Disease
August 15, 2014
Here, review results from a 10-week study that compared the pain-relieving effects of milnacipran, an SNRI, to that of placebo in patients with lumbosacral disc disease. Nerve pain in...