Pilot Study of Implementation of an Internet-Based Depression Prevention Intervention (CATCH-IT) for Adolescents in 12 US Primary Care Practices: Clinical and Management/Organizational Behavioral Perspectives
December 19, 2013
Review results from a study that explored the implementation of CATCH-IT, an Internet-based depression prevention intervention in 12 primary care sites, occurring as part of a randomized clinical trial...
Are Antidepressants Effective in the Treatment of Postpartum Depression? A Systematic Review
November 21, 2013
In spite of the paucity of randomized controlled trials of antidepressants in postpartum depression, these drugs are the most commonly used agents in the pharmacologic treatment of postpartum depression....
Evaluation of Trazodone and Quetiapine for Insomnia: An Observational Study in Psychiatric Inpatients
November 7, 2013
The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of trazodone to quetiapine among inpatient psychiatric patients by measuring the traditional sleep parameters of total sleep time, number...
Reducing the Burden of Difficult-to-Treat Major Depressive Disorder: Revisiting Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor Therapy
October 31, 2013
Difficult-to-treat depression, such as depression with atypical or anxious symptoms, treatment-resistant depression, or depression with frequent recurrence, is a challenging real-world health issue. This critical review of the literature...
Descriptive Analysis of a Novel Health Care Approach: Reverse Colocation—Primary Care in a Community Mental Health "Home"
October 17, 2013
The article by Shackelford and colleagues provides a description of an innovative healthcare approach. It focuses on the burdened, but under-studied, community-mental-health setting. Specifically, it examines the structure of...