Clinical Effectiveness of Using an Integrated Model to Treat Depressive Symptoms in Veterans Affairs Primary Care Clinics and Its Impact on Health Care Utilization
August 18, 2011
The objective of this study was to determine if veterans treated in an integrated mental health program within a Veterans Affairs primary care clinic sustained long-term improvement in depressive...
Aggressive Patient Behaviors Related to Medical Care: A Cross-Sectional Self-Report Survey
August 11, 2011
How common are verbal threats, physical abuse, and other aggressive patient behaviors in the medical setting? To answer this question, the authors of this study examined the self-reported prevalence...
Psychoeducation for Patients With a Psychotic Disorder: Effects on Knowledge and Coping
August 4, 2011
Psychoeducation is an essential and promising element in the nonpharmacologic treatment of patients with a psychotic disorder. The authors of this study examined the effects of patient-directed psychoeducation on...
Satisfaction With Medication Is Correlated With Outcome but Not Persistence in Patients Treated With Placebo, Escitalopram, or Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors: A Post Hoc Analysis
July 28, 2011
Is satisfaction with taking medication associated with clinical outcome and persistence with treatment? Review results from a study that used item 15 of the Quality of Life Enjoyment and...
Open Trial of Brief Behavioral Activation Psychotherapy for Depression in an Integrated Veterans Affairs Primary Care Setting
July 21, 2011
The present study investigated the effectiveness of a brief, easy-to-administer, evidence-based psychotherapy behavioral activation in an integrated mental health/primary care setting in a southeastern Veterans Affairs medical center during...
The Clinical Management of Bipolar Disorder: A Review of Evidence-Based Guidelines
July 14, 2011
This article focuses on the criteria used to diagnose the mood episodes that constitute bipolar disorder, the approach to the differential diagnosis of these presentations, and the evidence-based treatments...
Effectiveness of Yoga Therapy as a Complementary Treatment for Major Psychiatric Disorders: A Meta-Analysis
July 7, 2011
The authors of this study examined the efficacy of yoga therapy as a complementary treatment for psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder.
The Association Between Alzheimer's Disease Symptom Severity and Caregiver Outcomes: A Cross-Sectional Study
June 23, 2011
The negative impact of Alzheimer's disease is not limited to patients alone. Caregivers also experience negative consequences. Read this article to review results from a study that examined the...
Predictors of Sustained Response to Rivastigmine in Patients With Alzheimer's Disease: A Retrospective Analysis
June 16, 2011
This retrospective analysis aimed to identify the percentage of individuals with Alzheimer's disease who have a sustained response with rivastigmine patch, rivastigmine capsules, or placebo.
Responses to the Medical Review of Systems: Borderline Versus Nonborderline Patients in an Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic
June 9, 2011
The authors of this study investigated whether patients with borderline personality disorder overendorse the physical symptoms commonly encountered in the traditional medical review of systems.
The Cognitive Profile of Depressed Patients With Cirrhosis
May 26, 2011
Review results from a study that sought to determine whether patients with cirrhosis and depressive symptoms have a different neuropsychological cognitive profile from patients with cirrhosis without depressive symptoms.