A Positive Association Between Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance Score and the Trp64Arg Polymorphism of the β3-Adrenergic Receptor Gene in Schizophrenia Patients in Taiwan
August 19, 2010
Read this article to review results from an investigation of the possible association between the Trp64Arg polymorphism of the ß3-adrenergic receptor and the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance...
Patients With Treatment-Resistant Insomnia Taking Nightly Prescription Medications for Sleep: A Retrospective Assessment of Diagnostic and Treatment Variables
August 12, 2010
Some patients with chronic insomnia who take nightly prescription medication achieve less than optimal results. The purpose of this study was to determine if the presence of co-occuring psychiatric...
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Cardiopulmonary Conditions: Preliminary Outcomes From an Open Trial
July 15, 2010
Depression and anxiety often co-occur with congestive heart failure (CHF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), yet few intervention studies have been conducted. Read this article to review results...
Metabolic, Digestive, and Reproductive Adverse Events Associated With Antimanic Treatment in Children and Adolescents: A Retrospective Cohort Study
July 8, 2010
In this study, Drs Jerrell and McIntyre examine factors associated with metabolic and reproductive adverse events in children and adolescents.
Accuracy of Self-Reported Weight and Height and Resulting Body Mass Index Among Obese Binge Eaters in Primary Care: Relationship With Eating Disorder and Associated Psychopathology
July 1, 2010
Read this article to examine the accuracy of self-reported weight, height, and body mass index among obese patients with binge-eating disorder presenting at primary care clinics and its relationship...
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Desvenlafaxine 50 mg/d for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials
June 24, 2010
Read this article to review data on the clinical pharmacology, efficacy, safety, and tolerability of desvenlafaxine and to discover clinical practice considerations and future directions in desvenlafaxine research.
Multidisciplinary Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Training for the Veterans Affairs Primary Care Setting
June 24, 2010
This study sought to describe and assess the feasibility and effectivenessof a CBT training program for a sample of primary care mental health providers in the Department of Veterans...
Symptoms of Depression in a Hispanic Primary Care Population With and Without Chronic Medical Illnesses
June 10, 2010
The authors of this article explore the association between psychiatric symptom expression and general medical conditions among depressed and nondepressed individuals in a predominantly Hispaniccommunity sample.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults With Bipolar Disorder or Major Depressive Disorder: Results From the International Mood Disorders Collaborative Project
May 27, 2010
What are the clinical implications of lifetime attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults with a mood disorder? The primary aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and clinical...
Functional Quality of Life in Full Versus Partial Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Veterans Returning From Iraq and Afghanistan
May 27, 2010
Veterans reporting a trauma who do not meet full criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may still be experiencing meaningful symptoms warranting care. This study assessed mental and health...