Original Research
Original Research
Maternal Self-Harm and Mother-Infant Interactions
September 10, 2019
Maternal depression can affect mother-infant interactions. Since self-harm is strongly linked to depressive disorders, this study examined whether maternal self-harm is also associated with mother-infant interactions postpartum.
Original Research
Childhood Trauma and Criminal Justice Involvement
August 20, 2019
Criminal justice populations report high rates of maltreatment during childhood. What specific childhood traumas lead to later arrest, incarceration, and delinquency? And can mentorship moderate these outcomes? Read this...
Original Research
Bridging Mental Health and Primary Care to Improve Outcomes for Patients Taking SGAs
August 8, 2019
Care coordination across health systems is critical to optimize patient care for chronic medical and psychiatric conditions. Group concept mapping provides a strategic process to allow shared decision making...
Original Research
Trajectories of Psychotic-Like Experiences in Adolescents
July 23, 2019
Psychotic-like experiences in adolescence can be predictors of developing subsequent psychosis. This longitudinal study examined the likelihood of this progression as well as other factors that contribute to this...