Original Research
Original Research
Cognitive Remediation and Lurasidone in Schizophrenia
June 22, 2016
What is the best cognitive remediation method to use as an adjunct with lurasidone to help your patients with schizophrenia? These researchers compared auditory processing cognitive remediation against videogames....
Original Research
Personality and Long-Term Outcome of Depression
June 22, 2016
Can personality affect depression outcomes? Yes, according to this new study. The authors discovered that cluster C personality disorders, neuroticism, and extraversion influence the outcome of first-episode depression in...
Original Research
Correlation of Clinical Response With Homocysteine Reduction During Therapy With Reduced B Vitamins in Patients With MDD Who Are Positive for MTHFR C677T or A1298C Polymorphism: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study
May 25, 2016
Are reduced B vitamins effective as antidepressant monotherapy? Read this free article to find out. The authors evaluated the efficacy and safety of reduced B vitamins in adults with...