Abigail L. Donovan, MD
Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Rounds in the General Hospital
Evaluation and Management of Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia
July 2, 2024
If you have ever been uncertain about how to evaluate patients with a chronic psychotic illness or struggled over how best to manage treatment-resistant schizophrenia, then this case vignette...
Rounds in the General Hospital
Drug-Induced Abnormal Involuntary Movements
May 11, 2023
Treatment of involuntary movements is based on their underlying etiology; however, symptomatic treatments are indicated to reduce motoric and psychological symptoms that impair social function and worsen quality of...
Case Report
Comprehensive Evaluation Detects Seizure Disorder That Exacerbated Catatonia and Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia
December 22, 2022
In this young man, continuous video-EEG monitoring revealed undiagnosed seizures that, once treated, helped resolve his catatonia and reduce symptoms of schizophrenia.