Rajiv Radhakrishnan, MBBS, MD
a:1:{i:0;s:147:"Yale Depression Research Program, Department of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine and the Yale Psychiatric Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut";}
Original Research
Impact of SUD on COVID-19 Outcomes
August 29, 2022
Identifying risk factors that predispose individuals to negative COVID-19 outcomes is important. The current study examined the association between substance use disorders, psychiatric diagnosis, and COVID-19–related clinical outcomes.
ASCP Corner
Psychedelics and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders, Part 1: Psychopharmacology and Neurobiological Effects
February 23, 2021
In addition to altering one’s perception of reality, psychedelics may be useful for treating certain psychiatric disorders. This brief review looks at the mechanisms behind their effects.
Original Research
Antipsychotics for Homeless and Unstably Housed Veterans
December 8, 2020
Many homeless and unstably housed (HUH) adults have severe mental illness managed with antipsychotic medications. This study examined antipsychotic medication use and correlates of antipsychotic medication prescriptions among HUH...