Theodore A. Stern, MD
a:1:{i:0;s:106:"Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts";}
Rounds in the General Hospital
Toxicologic Testing for Opiates: Understanding False-Positive and False-Negative Test Results
July 26, 2012
Have you ever had a patient who insisted that he or she was neither using nor abusing opiates when the toxicology screen was positive? Have you ever considered if...
Rounds in the General Hospital
Insertion of Foreign Bodies (polyembolokoilamania): Underpinnings and Management Strategies
February 16, 2012
Have you ever had to evaluate and manage a patient with polyembolokoilamania (inserting a foreign body into 1 body orifice or more)? Have you wondered why he or she...
Rounds in the General Hospital
Recognition of Psychiatric Symptoms and Conditions in Latino Patients
November 24, 2011
Do psychiatric symptoms manifest differently in Latino patients? How should you screen for psychiatric problems in these patients? Read this case vignette and discussion to explore some of the...
Diagnosis and Management of Depression in 3 Countries: Results From a Clinical Vignette Factorial Experiment
September 15, 2011
The authors of this study investigated variation in the diagnosis and management of a "patient" with exactly the same symptoms indicative of depression in 3 different health care systems...
Rounds in the General Hospital
Late-Onset Cinephilia and Compulsive Behaviors: Harbingers of Frontotemporal Dementia
June 2, 2011
View this case vignette and discussion of an elderly man who developed progressive compulsive cinephilia so that you can facilitate the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of patients with similar...
Rounds in the General Hospital
Prior Discharges Against Medical Advice and Withdrawal of Consent: What They Can Teach Us About Patient Management
January 27, 2011
Read this article to review a case vignette example of a discharge against medical advice, known characteristics and prevalence of such discharges, and management strategies for the presented patient...