Educational Activity January 15, 2007

The Art and Science of Switching Antipsychotic Medications, Part 2

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J Clin Psychiatry 2007;68(1):e02

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Article Abstract

In the presentation "Switching and Metabolic Syndrome,"Weiden summarizes reasons to switch antipsychotics, highlighting weight gainand other metabolic adverse events as recent treatment targets. In "TexasMedication Algorithm Project (TMAP)," Miller reviews the TMAP study design,discusses results related to the algorithm versus treatment as usual, andconcludes with the implications of the study. Lambert’s presentation, "Dosingand Titration Strategies to Optimize Patient Outcome When SwitchingAntipsychotic Therapy," reviews the decision-making process when switchingpatients’ medication, addresses dosing and titration strategies to effectivelytransition between medications, and examines other factors to consider whenswitching pharmacotherapy.

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