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Original Research December 15, 2004

The Association Between Borderline Personality Disorder and Chronic Medical Illnesses, Poor Health-Related Lifestyle Choices, and Costly Forms of Health Care Utilization


J Clin Psychiatry 2004;65(12):1660-1665

Article Abstract

Objective: The physical health of patients with borderline personality disorder has not been well studied. The purpose of this study was to compare the physical health, lifestyle choices affecting physical health, and health care utilization of patients with remitted and nonremitted borderline personality disorder.

Method: 200 patients who no longer met the Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (DIB-R) and DSM-III-R criteria for borderline personality disorder and 64 patients who still met study criteria for borderline personality disorder were interviewed from June 1992 through December 2001 concerning their physical health, lifestyle choices, and use of medical care 6 years after their initial participation in a larger study of the longitudinal course of borderline personality disorder.

Results: Remitted borderline patients were found to be significantly less likely than nonremitted borderline patients to have a history of a “syndrome-like” condition (i.e., chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, or temporomandibular joint syndrome) (p = .049) or to have a history of obesity (p = .026), osteoarthritis (p = .025), diabetes (p = .001), hypertension (p = .028), back pain (p < .001), or urinary incontinence (p < .001). They were also found to be significantly less likely to report pack per day smoking (p = .002), daily consumption of alcohol (p = .003), lack of regular exercise (p = .006), daily use of sleep medications (p < .001), and sustained use of pain medications (p = .026). In addition, remitted borderline patients were significantly less likely than nonremitted borderline patients to have had at least 1 medically related emergency room visit (p < .001), 1 medical hospitalization (p = .003), or 1 of each (p < .001).

Conclusions: The failure to remit from borderline personality disorder seems to be associated with a heightened risk of suffering from chronic physical conditions, making poor health-related lifestyle choices, and using costly forms of medical services.