Background: We evaluated the efficacy and safetyof buspirone in the management of anxiety and irritability inchildren with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD).
Method: Twenty-two subjects, 6 to 17 years old,with DSM-III-R diagnosed PDD-NOS (N=20) or autistic disorder(N=2), were included. They were treated with buspirone in dosagesranging from 15 to 45 mg/day in an open-label trial lasting 6 to8 weeks. Responders continued buspirone treatment and werefollowed up for up to 12 months.
Results: Nine subjects had a marked therapeuticresponse and 7 subjects a moderate response on the ClinicalGlobal Impressions (CGI) scale after 6 to 8 weeks of treatment.Side effects were minimal, except for 1 patient who developedabnormal involuntary movements.
Conclusion: These results suggest that buspironemay be useful for treating symptoms of anxiety and irritabilityin children with PDD.
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