Book Review May 15, 2006

Clinical Manual of Psychosmatic Medicine: A Guide to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry

J Clin Psychiatry 2006;67(5):841-841

Article Abstract

Because this piece does not have an abstract, we have provided for your benefit the first 3 sentences of the full text.

Just in time! The Clinical Manual of Psychosomatic Medicine: A Guide to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry by Michael G. Wise, M.D., and James R. Rundell, M.D., is a welcome addition to the developing arsenal of textbooks for the subspecialty of psychosomatic medicine and was published in the first year of the subspecialty’s American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Added Qualifications Examination. The guide is a handbook in the truest sense, a book for the hand or lab coat pocket of any trainee in psychiatry, busy practitioner, clinical educator, and psychosomatic medicine specialist.’ ‹