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Book Review August 31, 2000

Clinical Methods in Transcultural Psychiatry


J Clin Psychiatry 2000;61(3):220-221

Article Abstract

From our regular book review column.

This book is remarkable in the breadth of its coverage as well as its success in synthesizing divergent topics into a cogent, well-researched, informative, and clinically relevant volume. Reflecting Okpaku’s unique background, the book is global, practical, and historically rooted. It includes 20 chapters and is organized into 6 sections. In section 1, Prince and Leighton, 2 of the founding fathers of modern transcultural psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, review their lifetime’s work. These 2 chapters most vividly show us how much progress the field has made in the relatively short span of the past several decades. In addition, surveying the past helps the next generation of researchers to identify key issues and formulate alternative strategies.