Letter to the Editor June 15, 1997

Corrections: June 1997

J Clin Psychiatry 1997;58(6):275

Article Abstract

Letter to the Editor

Symbols dropped out of four articles in the May 1997 issue.They should be as follows:
In the Gillin et al. article “A Comparison of Nefazodone andFluoxetine on Mood and on Objective, Subjective, and Clinician-Rated Measures of Sleep in Depressed Patients: A Double-Blind, 8-Week Clinical Trial” (1997;58:185-192), the correctedphrases should read “(r = .85)” (p. 186, last paragraph, right column),”= 30 seconds” (p. 187, first paragraph, left column andp. 188, Table 3), and “= 10% of patients” (p. 188, second paragraph,left column). All p values in tables, figures, and text (pp.188-191) should be followed by “=” unless otherwise stated.