Original Research Focus on Suicide October 23, 2024

Diagnosis of the Suicide Crisis Syndrome in the Emergency Department Associated With Significant Reduction in 3-Month Readmission Rates

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J Clin Psychiatry 2024;85(4):24m15320


Objective: The suicide crisis syndrome (SCS), an acute negative affect state predictive of near-term suicidal behavior, is currently under review for inclusion as a suicide-specific diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). While the SCS has ample psychometric validation, it is critical to test its utility as a clinical tool within a real-world clinical setting. The present study investigates patterns of emergency department (ED) readmissions following implementation of an SCS-based risk assessment tool into the ED of a large, urban hospital system.

Methods: Patterns of readmission rates to the ED in the 3 months following initial ED visit were evaluated for patients diagnosed with the SCS, after controlling for suicidal ideation (SI), self-harm behavior (SHB), and psychosis in the initial ED visit. All diagnoses were extracted from the electronic medical record. SCS diagnosis was based on the Abbreviated SCS Checklist (A-SCS-C), a clinician administered rating scale.

Results: Analysis of the SCS was performed on 213 patients consecutively admitted to the ED 9 months post-implementation of the A-SCS-C. Over one third (79; 37%) of patients were diagnosed with the SCS, over half 111 (52.1%) presented with SI and 8 (3.8%) with suicide attempt. After controlling for covariates, SCS diagnosis reduced readmission risk by approximately 72% (AOR = 0.281) for any reason and almost 75% (AOR = 0.257) for suicidal presentations, while SI and SHB upon initial ED visit either increased readmission risk or were noncontributory. The protective effect of the SCS was consistent across levels of severity of both SI and SHB.

Conclusion: Use of the SCS appears to improve clinical outcome with suicidal patients presenting to the ED.

J Clin Psychiatry 2024;85(4):24m15320

Author affiliations are listed at the end of this article.

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