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Editorial January 15, 2013



J Clin Psychiatry 2013;74(1):6-9

Article Abstract

Because this piece does not have an abstract, we have provided for your benefit the first 3 sentences of the full text.

Magnanimity:a generous spirit.

Busy academicians, clinicians, scientists, teachers, and scholars are, well, busy. When editors turn to these colleagues to read and peer review a manuscript, we offer no incentives.


Magnanimity: a generous spirit.

Busy academicians, clinicians, scientists, teachers, and scholars are, well, busy. When editors turn to these colleagues to read and peer review a manuscript, we offer no incentives. There is no compensation, and their time and effort are donated anonymously. Fortunately, most show the generous spirit that defines magnanimity. Why? These men and women see a purpose beyond themselves, feel a connection to a greater good. As is the case with other journals, love of science motivates altruism in reviewers. But ours is also a journal that impacts patient care, and our reviewers are touched by that need. These are friends who remember our mission to offer comfort, improve lives, and heal the sick—someday to prevent brain diseases.

Each year at this time, the editors thank the magnanimous men and women who are JCP’s reviewers. Truly, we couldn’ t do what we do without your beneficence. You are essential to the vitality and function of academic medicine.

Our deepest gratitude goes to the peers who are in JCP’s Circle of Honor, who have gone above and beyond in the number, promptness, and constructive caliber of their reviews. To our Circle members, all of our reviewers, our readers, and JCP’s marvelous staff, we wish health and success in 2013.

Marlene P. Freeman, MD

Alan J. Gelenberg, MD

Figure 1

Chittaranjan Andrade, MD

John M. Davis, MD

Scott A. Freeman, MD

John H. Greist, MD

Jerry L. Halverson, MD

Ahmad Hameed, MD

James W. Jefferson, MD

Roger E. Meyer, MD

Erwin B. Montgomery Jr, MD

Mark H. Pollack, MD

Michael K. Popkin, MD

Sheldon H. Preskorn, MD

Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, MD

Jose M. Santiago, MD

Erika Saunders, MD

John H. Shale, MD, JD

J. Lynn Taylor, MD

Jan Volavka, MD, PhD

Mark Zimmerman, MD

Reviewers for The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
December 2, 2011—December 5, 2012

Amitai Abramovitch, PhD

Jonathan S. Abramowitz, PhD

Jayant Acharya, MD

Donald E. Addington, MBBS

David A. Adler, MD

Lenard A. Adler, MD

Anthony Ahmed, PhD

Katherine J. Aitchison, PhD

Adekola O. Alao, MD

Amelia Aldao, PhD

George A. Alexiou, MD, PhD

Candice A. Alfano, PhD

Ana Alkelai, PhD

Dana L. Alonzo, PhD

Joseph S. Alpert, MD

Benedikt Amann, MD

Pandya Anand, MD

Gavin A. Andrews, MD, PhD

Emily B. Ansell, PhD

Bruce A. Arnow, PhD

Robin L. Aupperle, PhD

David H. Avery, MD

David A. Axelson, MD

Enrique Baca-Garcia, MD

Alessia Bachis, PhD

Christopher Baethge, MD

Catherine L. Bagwell, PhD

David S. Baldwin, DM

Jacob Ballon, MD

Richard Balon, MD

Trino Baptista, MD

Yaron Bar-dayan, MD, MHA

Jacques P. Barber, PhD

Marcos Vinicius Barbosa, PhD

Edward D. Barker, PhD

Steven J. Barker, MD, PhD

Thomas R. Barnes, MD, DSc

Paul G. Barnett, PhD

Neeltje Batelaan, MD, PhD

Cynthia L. Battle, PhD

Thierry Baubet, MD

Leslie Baxter, PhD

Susan K. Bazzell, MD

Charles M. Beasley, MD

Thomas Becker, MD

Robert H. Belmaker, MD

Jens Benninghoff, MD

Justin Benzer, PhD

Veerle Bergink, MD

Michael Berk, PhD

Jason Bermak, MD, PhD

Nancy C. Bernardy, PhD

Shashi Bhatia, MD

Li Bian, PhD

Joseph Biederman, MD

O. Joseph Bienvenu, MD

Robert M. Bilder, PhD

Elizabeth Binder, MD, PhD

Jonathan I. Bisson, MD

Istvan Bitter, MD, PhD, DSc

Edward O. Bixler, PhD

Joseph C. Blader, PhD

Carlos Blanco, MD, PhD

Pierre Blier, MD, PhD

Michael Bloch, MD, MS

Miki Bloch, MD

James A. Blumenthal, PhD

William V. Bobo, MD, MPH

J. Alexander Bodkin, MD

Richard Bootzin, PhD

Marina A. Bornovalova, PhD

Marco Bortolato, MD, PhD

Kelly N. Botteron, MD

Julius H. Bourke, MBBS

Charles L. Bowden, MD

Christopher R. Bowie, PhD

Jody Brady-Olympia, MD

Raphael J. Braga, MD

J׸rgen G. Bramness, PhD

Anna R. Brandon, PhD

Margaret Briggs-Gowan, PhD

Benjamin Brody, MD

John O. Brooks III, PhD, MD

E. Sherwood Brown, MD, PhD

Thomas E. Brown, PhD

Walter Brown, MD

Anat Brunstein Klomek, PhD

Robert W. Buchanan, MD

Peter F. Buckley, MD

Eric Bui, MD, PhD

Scott Bunce, PhD

Fred Busch, MD

Meryl A. Butters, PhD

Nancy Byatt, DO, MBA

Kristen Cadenhead, MD

Susan L. Calhoun, PhD

Daniel M. Campagne, PhD

Laura Campbell-Sills, PhD

Bruce Capehart, MD, MBA

Jorge Renner Cardoso
de Almeida, MD, PhD

Harold E. Carlson, MD

Dennis P. Carmody, PhD

Robert M. Carney, PhD

Stanley N. Caroff, MD

Richard J. Caselli, MD

Daniel E. Casey, MD

Trina Chang, MD, MPH

Ana Cristina Chaves, MD, PhD

Nancy Cheak-Zamora, PhD

Claude M. Chemptob, PhD

Cheryl A. Chessick, MD

Vernon M. Chinchilli, PhD

James C. Chou, MD

David A. Clark, PhD

Diana E. Clarke, PhD, MPH

Paula J. Clayton, MD

Barbara J. Coffey, MD

Dan Cohen, MD

Lee S. Cohen, MD

Jonathan S. Comer, PhD

Scott N. Compton, PhD

Kenneth Conner, PsyD, MPH

Daniel Connor, MD

Laurel A. Copeland, PhD

Paul M. Coplan, MS, ScD, MBA

Barbara A. Cornblatt, PhD

Christoph U. Correll, MD

Fiammetta Cosci, MD, PhD

Jesse Cougle, PhD

Bruce M. Coull, MD

Ronald L.Cowan, MD, PhD

Mark Creamer, PhD

Scott Crow, MD

Pim Cuijpers, PhD

Larry Culpepper, MD, MPH

Janet R. Cummings, PhD

Josep Dalmau, MD, PhD

Jonathan R. Davidson, MD

Mike Davis, MD, PhD

Thompson E. Davis III, PhD

Barbara M. Davit, PhD, JD

Paola Dazzan, MD, PhD

Brett Deacon, PhD

Marleen De Bolle, PhD

Marc De Hert, MD, PhD

Jose de Leon, MD

Harold J. DeMonaco, MS, RPh

Michael J. Detke, MD, PhD

Stephen Deutsch, MD, PhD

Davangere P. Devanand, MD

Nancy DiazGranados, MD

Faith B. Dickerson, PhD

Dwight Dickinson, PhD, JD

Daniel Dickstein, MD

Detlef E. Dietrich, MD

Crisanto Diez-Quevedo, MD, PhD

JoAnn Difede, PhD

Sona Dimidjian, PhD

Timothy G. Dinan, MD, PhD, DSc

Lisa Dixon, MD, MPH

P. Murali Doraiswamy, MD

Kathleen C. Dougherty, MD

Antonio Drago, MD

Brian Draper, MBBS, MD

Daniel Drici, MD, PhD

Olaf H. Drummer, PhD

Sascha Dublin, MD, PhD

Robert Dufresne, PhD

Laramie E. Duncan, PhD

Boadie W. Dunlop, MD

David W. Dunn, MD

Graham Dunn, PhD

David L. Dunner, MD

Linda S. Durst, MD

Richard van Dyck, MD, PhD

Christopher L. Eaton, MD

Christopher I. Eckhardt, PhD

Adrienne Einarson, RN

David Ekers, MSc, Dip CBT, RMN

David C. Emelity, MD

Robin Emsley, MD

Graham J. Emslie, MD

Jean Endicott, PhD

Kathryn Erickson, MD, PhD

Alaattin Erkanli, PhD

Randall Espinoza, MD, MPH

Amit Etkin, MD, PhD

Ulrich Ettinger, PhD

Marian Evatt, MD

Anne E. Evins, MD, MPH

William E. Falk, MD

Martha P. Fankhauser, MS

Giovanni A. Fava, MD

Maurizio Fava, MD

Angela Favaro, MD, PhD

Julio Fernandez-Mendoza, MD

Tiffany M. Field, PhD

Max Fink, MD

Michael First, MD

Bernard A. Fischer, MD

Paige H. Fisher, PhD

Alice Flaherty, MD, PhD

Marcelo P. Fleck, MD, PhD

W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker, MD

Nicola Fletcher, PhD

Thomas Fluent, MD

Laura Fochtmann, MD

Debra L. Foley, PhD

David Forbes, PhD

Brent P. Forester, MD

Jonathan Foulds, PhD

Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis, MD, PhD

Elaine Fox, PhD

Karen Fraser, MRSPharm

Thomas W. Frazier, PhD

Ellen W. Freeman, PhD

Gregory Fricchione, MD

Joseph I. Friedman, MD

Matthew J. Friedman, MD, PhD

Mary A. Fristad, PhD

Randy O. Frost, PhD

George Fulop, MD, MS

Maura L. Furey, PhD

Abby J. Fyer, MD

Cathryn A. Galanter, MD

Clarissa S. Gama, MD, PhD

Zhaoyu Gan, MD

George Gardos, MD

Susan Shur-Fen Gau, MD, PhD

Amelia R. Gavin, PhD

Bradley Gaynes, MD, MPH

Edward Gentile, DO, MBA

Tony P. George, MD

Anda Gershon, PhD

Elliot S. Gershon, MD

Berthold Gersons, PhD

Abigail H. Gewirtz, PhD, LP

Nassir Ghaemi, MD, MPH

Harinder S. Ghuman, MD

Michael J. Gitlin, MD

Heide Glaesmer, PhD

Stephen J. Glatt, PhD

Ira D. Glick, MD

Cyril Goizet, MD, PhD

Joseph F. Goldberg, MD

Richard Goldberg, PhD

Stuart J. Goldman, MD

Benjamin I. Goldstein, MD, PhD

Rise B. Goldstein, PhD, MPH

Karl Goodkin, MD, PhD

David W. Goodman, MD

Janice Goodman, PhD, RN

Marianne S. Goodman, MD

Guy M. Goodwin, FMedSci

Renee D. Goodwin, PhD, MPH

David Gorelick, MD, PhD

Jessica Goren, PharmD

Angela Gorman, PhD

Jack M. Gorman, MD

Barbara L. Gracious, MD

Marco A. Grados, MD

Jon E. Grant, JD, MD

Jason Grebely, PhD

Alan I. Green, MD

David J. Greenblatt, MD

Judy Greene, MD

Esther Greenglass, PhD

Larry L. Greenhill, MD

Howard A. Greller, MD

Sophie Grigoriadis, MD, PhD

Bernard I. Grosser, MD

Sandeep Grover, MD

John H. Growdon, MD

Dan Grupe, MS

Ronald J. Gurrera, MD

Mary Haan, PhD

Gretchen L. Haas, PhD

Eric Hahn, MD

Angelos Halaris, MD, PhD

Indrani Halder, PhD

Robert M. Hamer, PhD

Paul Hammerness, MD

Mark Hamner, MD

Michael S. Hanau, MD

Benjamin Handen, PhD

Poul E. Buchholtz Hansen, MD

Antonio Y. Hardan, MD

Jill M. Harkavy-Friedman, PhD

Philip D. Harvey, PhD

Kenji Hashimoto, PhD

Susan Hatters Friedman, MD

Peter P. Hauser, MD

Patricia L. Haynes, PhD

David J. Hellerstein, MD

John E. Helzer, MD

Paula L. Hensley, MD

Eric D. Hermes, MD

Anne M. Herring, PhD

Steven T. Herron, MD

David B. Herzog, MD

Maureen Hillhouse, PhD

Jolene M. Hillwig-Garcia, MD

Robert M. A. Hirschfeld, MD

G. Alex Hishaw, MD

Richard E. Hodgson, MD

Charles W. Hoge, MD

Elizabeth A. Hoge, MD

Laura Hollar-Wilt, MD

Florian Holsboer, MD, PhD

Derek R. Hopko, PhD

Marcela Horvitz-Lennon, MD, MPH

Louise M. Howard, PhD

Xuemei Huang, MD, PhD

James I. Hudson, MD, ScD

Hartwig Huemer

Paul Hutton, ClinPsyD

Dan V. Iosifescu, MD

Masaomi Iyo, MD, PhD

David S. Janowsky, MD

Kristin N. Javaras, PhD

Jonathan Jensen, MD

Dilip V. Jeste, MD

Ripu D. Jindal, MD

Grigori Joffe, MD, PhD

Suzanne Jolley, PhD

Aditya Joshi, MD

Gagan Joshi, MD

Lewis L. Judd, MD

Vivian Kafantaris, MD

Dierich Kaiser, MD

Bengt Kallen, MD, PhD

John M. Kane, MD

Joshua Kantrowitz, MD

Suad Kapetanovic, MD

Allan S. Kaplan, MD

Warren Kaplan, PD, JD, MPH

Maher Karam-Hage, MD

Laurent Karila, MD, PhD

Rakesh Karmacharya, MD, PhD

Siegfried Kasper, MD, PhD

Joanna Katsanis, PhD

David J. Katzelnick, MD

John Keilp, PhD

Charles H. Kellner, MD

Deanna L. Kelly, PharmD

Sidney H. Kennedy, MD

Katherine M. Keyes, MPH

Arif Khan, MD

Amy M. Kilbourne, PhD, MPH

Reinhold Kilian, PhD

Dae H. Kim, MD

Drew Kingston, PhD

Bruce J. Kinon, MD

Brian Kirkpatrick, MD

Steven Kisely, MD

Taro Kishi, MD, PhD

Torsten Klengel, MD

Chih-Hung Ko, MD

James H. Kocsis, MD

Maju M. Koola, MD

Susan G. Kornstein, MD

Helena C. Kraemer, PhD

Dean Krahn, MD, MS

Daniel F. Kripke, MD

John H. Krystal, MD

Maarten J. Kunst, PhD

Matthew G. Kushner, PhD

Philipp Kuwert, MD

Bethany Kwan, PhD, MSPH

David M. Labiner, MD

Angeli Landeros-Weisenberger, MD

Hsien-Yuan Lane, MD, PhD

Ariel J. Lang, PhD

Berthold Langguth, MD

Thomas P. Laughren, MD

Tara Lauriat, PhD

John Lauriello, MD

Amy Lawrence

Barry Lebowitz, PhD

Benjamin Le Cook, PhD

Joseph Lee, PhD

Sue Lee, MD

Todd Lencz, PhD

Andrew C. Leon, PhD (deceased)

Bernard Lerer, MD

Alan Lerner, MD

Douglas L. Leslie, PhD

Stefan Leucht, MD

James L. Levenson, MD

Frances R. Levin, MD

Martha P. Levine, MD

Robert D. Levitan, MD

Hani Levkovitz-Verbin, MD

Lance Levy, MD

Michael Lewis, PhD

Stephen F. Lewis, MD

Alfred J. Lewy, MD, PhD

Lin Li, PhD

Ji-An Liang, MD

Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD

Ping-I Lin, MD, PhD

Wan-Yu Lin, MD

Lin Liu, PhD

Shijing Liu, PhD

Andrew Lloyd, MD

Jennifer M. Loftis, PhD

Colleen Loo, MD

Joan L. Luby, MD

R. Bruce Lydiard, PhD, MD

Lawrence Maayan, MD

Richard J. Maddock, MD

Trine Madsen, MSPH

Rajnish Mago, MD

Gerald A. Maguire, MD

Fauzia Mahr, MD

Mario Maj, MD

Anil K. Malhotra, MD

Luc Mallet, MD, PhD

Alan G. Mallinger, MD

Rachel Manber, PhD

John J. Mann, MD

Theo C. Manschreck, MD

Peter Manu, MD

Stephen R. Marder, MD

Icro Maremmani, MD

Humberto Marin, MD

John C. Markowitz, MD

Charles Marmar, MD

Laura Marsh, MD

Wendy K. Marsh, MD

Prakash S. Masand, MD

Loreto Massardo, MD

Greg W. Mattingly, MD

Louis S. Matza, PhD

W. Vaughn McCall, MD, MS

Cheryl McCullumsmith, MD, PhD

William M. McDonald, MD

Susan L. McElroy, MD

Joseph P. McEvoy, MD

Patrick D. McGorry, PhD

James J. McGough, MD

Susan R. McGurk, PhD

Melvin McInnis, MD

Dean McKay, PhD

Andrew McKeon, MD

Francis J. McMahon, MD

Rupert McShane, MD

Thomas Meeks, MD

Herbert Y. Meltzer, MD

Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH

Arianna Mendrek, PhD

Mark Mennemeier, PhD

Robert J. Miceli, PhD

David Michalec, PhD

Robert Michels, MD

William P. Milchak, LCSW

Alexander L. Miller, MD

Ivan W. Miller, PhD

Barbara L. Milrod, MD

Yoshio Minabe, PhD

David Mischoulon, MD, PhD

Alex J. Mitchell, MRCPsych

James E. Mitchell, MD

John Mitchell, PhD

Ethan Moitra, PhD

John Monahan, PhD

Jose Montaner, MD

Stuart A. Montgomery, MD, PhD

Constance Moore, PhD

Oscar Morales, MD

Francisco A. Moreno, MD

Bernard M. Morenz III, MD

Leslie Morrow, PhD

Eydie L. Moses-Kolko, MD

Laura H. Mufson, PhD

James C. Mundt, PhD

Jordana Muroff, PhD, LICSW

Kelly Murphy, PhD

Tanya K. Murphy, MD

Michael J. Murray, MD

James W. Murrough, MD

Raimundo Juan Muscellini, MD, PhD

Philip Muskin, MD

Dieter Naber, MD, PhD

J. Craig Nelson, MD

Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD

Yuval Neria, PhD

Gerald Nestadt, MD

Jeffrey H. Newcorn, MD

Mark J. Niciu, MD, PhD

Olav B. Nielssen, MBBS, MCrim

Tara Niendam, PhD

Andrew A. Nierenberg, MD

Philip T. Ninan, MD

Willem A. Nolen, MD

Douglas L. Noordsy, MD

Magdelena Nord, MD

Hedvig M. E. Nordeng, PhD

Merete Nordentoft, MD

Carol S. North, MD

Nicole Nugent, PhD

Mallay Occhiogrosso, MD

Meaghan L. O’ Donnell, PhD

Mike W. O’ Hara, PhD

Veronica O’ Keane, FRCPsych

Javier Olazarán, MD

Mark Olfson, MD

Thomas M. Olino, PhD

Alison Oliveto, PhD

Rene L. Olvera, MD, MPH

Dost Ongur, MD, PhD

Maria A. Oquendo, MD

David N. Osser, MD

Michael J. Ostacher, MD, MPH

Michael W. Otto, PhD

David G. Owens, MD

Sherry Pagoto, PhD

Connie Palladino, PhD

Stefano Pallanti, MD

George I. Papakostas, MD

Carmine M. Pariante, MD, PhD

Joel Paris, MD

Barbara Parry, MD

Martha Payne, PhD, MPH

Kimberly H. Pearson, MD

David Penetar, PhD

Roy H. Perlis, MD, MSc

Christopher Petersen, MD

Timothy Peterson, PhD

Georgios Petrides, MD

Lidija Petrovic-Dovat, MD

Cynthia Pfeffer, MD

K. Luan Phan, MD

Joseph M. Pierre, MD

Robert H. Pietrzak, PhD, MPH

Wilfred R. Pigeon, PhD

Donna Pincus, PhD

Anton P. Porsteinsson, MD

Kelly Posner, PhD

Robert M. Post, MD

Teodor Postalache, MD

Michael A. Posternak, MD

Steven G. Potkin, MD

Lawrence H. Price, MD

Jennifer M. Primack, MD

Jefferson B. Prince, MD

Ric M. Procyshyn, PhD, PharmD

Christina Psaros, PhD

Tara Purvis, PharmD

Dee Dorothy Quinn, MS

Judith G. Rabkin, PhD, MPH

Charles L. Raison, MD

Rajamannar Ramasubbu, MD

Mark H. Rapaport, MD

Stanley Rapoport, MD

Mark Rapp, MD

Joseph J. Rasimas, MD, PhD

Murray A. Raskind, MD

Keith G. Rasmussen, MD

Steven A. Rasmussen, MD

Thomas Reichenbacher, MD

Rory Reid, PhD

Frederick W. Reimherr, MD

John Renner Jr, MD

David Rettew, MD

J. Don Richardson, MD

Karl Rickels, MD

Bradley C. Riemann, PhD

Dieter Riemann, PhD

Sakina J. Rizvi, HBSc

Adelaide S. Robb, MD

Donald S. Robinson, MD

Lizabeth Roemer, PhD

Patricia I. Rosebush, MScN, MD

Robert Rosenheck, MD

Barbara O. Rothbaum, PhD

Anthony J. Rothschild, MD

John P. Rotrosen, MD

Matthew V. Rudorfer, MD

Camilo Ruggero, PhD

Chiara Ruini, PhD

Thomas Rutledge, PhD

Sahoo Saddichha, MBBS, MD

Carl Salzman, MD

Gerard Sanacora, MD, PhD

Marco Sarchiapone, MD

Jitender Sareen, MD

John Sargent, MD

Jerome Sarris, PhD, MHSc

David B. Sarwer, PhD

Roberto Sassi, MD, PhD

Jo×£o R. Sato, PhD

Kirti Saxena, MD

Sanjaya Saxena, MD

Emanuel Schattner, MA

Joy Schmitz, PhD

Nina R. Schooler, PhD

Peter Schulte, MD, PhD

S. Charles Schulz, MD

Anthony R. Scialli, MD

Linda Scoriels

Lloyd I. Sederer, MD

Mary V. Seeman, MDCM

Emily G. Severance, PhD

Mujeeb Uddin Shad, MD

Jonathan Shaffer, PhD

Arieh Y. Shalev, MD

Verinder Sharma, MB, BS, FRCP(C)

Carla Sharp, PhD

M. Katherine Shear, MD

Richard C. Shelton, MD

Ann K. Shinn, MD, MPH

Geetha Shivakumar, MD

Jedidiah Siev, PhD

Larry Siever, MD

Derrick Silove, MD

Henry Silver, MBBS, BMedSci, DPM

Morton Silverman, MD

Gregory E. Simon, MD

George M. Simpson, MD

Steven C. Sinderman, MD

Ravi Singareddy, MD

Manpreet Singh, MD, MS

Lawrence I. Sinoway, MD

Mark Sinyor, MD

Samuel G. Siris, MD

Cynthia O. Siu, PhD

Andrew E. Skodol, MD

Gary W. Small, MD

Kathy W. Smith, MD

Mark W. Smith, PhD

Robert C. Smith, MD, PhD

Shubulade M. Smith, MRCPsych

Claudio N. Soares, MD, PhD, FRCPC

Zahava Solomon, PhD

Timothy J. Soundy, MD

Ryan Spellecy, PhD

Margaret G. Spinelli, MD

Catherine Stanger, PhD

Ulrich Stangier, PhD

Jeffrey Stanley, PhD

Gail Steketee, PhD

Ted Stern, MD

Marc Stone, MD

Eric A. Storch, PhD

Kuan-Pin Su, MD, PhD

Kenneth L. Subotnik, PhD

Rita Suri, MD

Alan C. Swann, MD

Holly A. Swartz, MD

Wendy Swift, PhD

Louisa G. Sylvia, PhD

Yoichiro Takayanagi, MD, PhD

Nancy L. Talbot, PhD

Tjiauw-ling Tan, MD

Rajiv Tandon, MD

David M. Taylor, PhD

Michael Terman, PhD

George E. Tesar, MD

Gunvant K. Thaker, MD

April Thames, PhD

Michael E. Thase, MD

Jennifer Tidey, PhD

Edward H. Tobe, MD

Mauricio Tohen, MD, DrPH

Tom Trauer, PhD

William R. Trimble, MD

Jack Tsai, PhD

Eberhard H. Uhlenhuth, MD

Eve M. Valera, PhD

Robert J. Valuck, PhD, RPh

Michael Van Ameringen, MD

Jillon S. Vander Wal, PhD

Jim Van Os, MD, PhD

Richard Van Rhoads, MD

Alexandros Vgontzas, MD

Eduard Vieta, PhD

W. Victor R. Vieweg, MD

Angela Vincent, FRS, FMedSci

Mark Viron, MD

James Waltz, PhD

Li Wang, PhD

J. Catesby Ware, PhD

James G. Waxmonsky, MD

Carl Weems, PhD

Peter J. Weiden, MD

Richard H. Weisler, MD

Roger D. Weiss, MD

Myrna M. Weissman, PhD

Joyce C. West, PhD, MPP

Bruce Wexler, MD

Timothy E. Wilens, MD

Nolen A. Willem, MD

Janet B. W. Williams, PhD

William C. Wirshing, MD

Katherine L. Wisner, MD

Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, PhD

Janet Witte, MD, MPH

Joanne Wojcik, MS, CS

Scott W. Woods, MD

Janet Wozniak, MD

Naomi Wray, PhD, MS

Jingqin Wu

Katharina Wulff, PhD

Ke Xu, MD, PhD

Joel Yager, MD

Anastacia Yasik, PhD

Robert C. Young, MD

Jarred Younger, PhD

Shawn Youngstedt, PhD

Eric A. Youngstrom, PhD

Alison R. Yung, MD

Clement C. Zai, PhD

Paul Zak, PhD

Carlos A. Zarate Jr, MD

Douglas F. Zatzick, MD

Meg H. Zeller, PhD

Xiang Y. Zhang, MD, PhD

Robert B. Zipursky, MD

Mark Zonfrillo, MD

Gwen L. Zornberg, MD, ScD

Nancy Zucker, PhD