While efficacy as a concept is concerned with whether a treatment works under ideal conditions,effectiveness is concerned with whether a treatment works under the conditions of routine care.Large-scale clinical, pharmacy, and administrative databases can provide naturalistic data for effectivenessstudies when appropriate methodology is employed. The Nathan Kline Institute IntegratedResearch Database includes patient-specific admission, demographic, diagnostic, medication, anddischarge information from hospitals operated by the New York State Office of Mental Health. Thisdatabase was used to study the effectiveness of first- versus second-generation antipsychotics in thetreatment of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Switching off the index medication regimenprior to discharge (negative outcome) was our principal outcome of interest. We concluded that, as aclass, second-generation antipsychotics were less likely than first-generation agents to be associatedwith premature discontinuation of an antipsychotic regimen, both when used as the initial medicationregimen following hospitalization and as the second regimen following a prior medication switch.
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