Because this piece does not have an abstract, we have provided for your benefit the first 3 sentences of the full text.
Thank You to JCP’s Peer Reviewers
At The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, we continuously strive to put forth high-quality offerings, including reports of original research, systematic reviews, commentaries, and continuing medical education opportunities. The works we publish embody our mission to serve practicing psychiatric clinicians, to advance clinical research, and, most importantly, to positively impact patient care.
I wish we could say, as we launch the new year of 2021, that the COVID-19 pandemic was behind us. Most of the world is facing a surge of infections and deaths from the virus, while emerging vaccination programs offer hope. The past year has brought changes in the midst of adversity that will indefinitely alter the way psychiatry and psychological services are practiced. The growth of telehealth and electronic platforms of health care service delivery was catalyzed out of need, but these new methods will, without a doubt, have a durable impact on the way we practice and interact with patients. Access to services for people with psychiatric disorders may improve on a large scale, but we also know that disparities in access will persist, requiring focused ongoing efforts.
The pandemic’s effects have created a plethora of psychosocial concerns, including loneliness, social isolation, grief, and financial crises. In the United States, we have seen political turmoil and divisiveness. Health care policy has always been intertwined with politics, but in the past year the influence of politics on public health has been underscored. A contagious virus has amplified the viral dissemination of destructive forces such as fear, tribalism, misinformation, and conspiracy theories, all of which may impact the mental health care needs of our communities.
In some ways, common threats have brought us together. We’ ve had to find ways to stay connected and available to our patients and each other. Extensive endeavors have been undertaken to build out telehealth and remote education. Research has been affected, and investigators have swiftly targeted impactful aspects of the pandemic, broadly striving to increase our understanding of the acute and longer term effects of the crisis.
As efforts have been initiated to meet the needs ushered in by the COVID-19 pandemic, both psychiatric care for patients and research in our field have carried on, although impeded in some areas more than others. As is the case with the general public, the colleagues who comprise our JCP community have encountered the challenges of increased responsibilities, professionally and personally, as we meet the daily needs of our work and home lives. Many are spread thin and exhausted by what has been an incredibly difficult year.
It is in this context that I express my deepest gratitude for our community of peer reviewers, who anonymously give of their time and expertise. We have continued to see new content submitted, reviewed, and published under the most trying of times, but this would not be possible without careful peer review. We are fortunate to be able to draw from generous and expert reviewers from around the world. As a way of recognizing their efforts, we now offer CME credit to our reviewers; to learn more about the peer review process, please visit
We are also grateful for the authors who select JCP for their work in particular because our readership consists largely of clinicians and clinical researchers, and the manuscripts we publish can quickly influence and further patient care and research. The pipeline of data to inform clinical care and increase our patients’ quality of life remains rich.
I would also like to thank the incredible JCP staff, who did not pause in their important work during the pandemic. Instead, they have taken a robust team approach to rapidly and rigorously processing papers so that new information can be circulated with maximal benefit.
On behalf of the JCP team, we are grateful for the continuing efforts of each of you, and we hope your new year is filled with joy, good health, and peace.
Chittaranjan Andrade | Elizabeth D. Ballard | Paul E. Croarkin |
Jonathan Del-Monte | Joseph F. Goldberg | John M. Kane |
Jordan F. Karp | James H. Kocsis | Susan G. Kornstein |
Katarina Kouter | Hang Lee | Jorge Lopez-Castroman |
Emilie Olié | Michael J. Ostacher | George I. Papakostas |
Maurizio Pompili | Johan Reutfors | Thomas Richardson |
Barbara O. Rothbaum | Brian Shiner | Eduard Vieta |
Paul S. F. Yip | Mark Zimmerman |
Reviewers for The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
December 5, 2018-December 5, 2019
Scott T. Aaronson | Christopher C. Abbott | Chadi G. Abdallah |
Edimansyah Abdin | Jayant Acharya | Eric D. Achtyes |
Ronald E. Acierno | Sri Mahavir Agarwal | Ruchita Agrawal |
Olusola A. Ajilore | Ilhom Akobirschoe | Hassan Al-Amin |
Michael H. Allen | Sophia I. Allen | Jonathan E. Alpert |
Davide Amato | Chittaranjan Andrade | Nelson Andrade-González |
Arthur Andrews III | Michael D. Anestis | Aniyizhai Annamalai |
Eric Apaydin | Robert P. Archer | Lisham Ashrafioun |
David S. Auerbach | Gazi F. Azad | Lone Baandrup |
Dara E. Babinski | Enrique Baca-Garcia | Christopher Baethge |
Allison S. Baker | Elizabeth D. Ballard | David Baranger |
Shannon Barnett | Maria Luisa Barrigón | Cynthia L. Battle |
Raman Baweja | Hamideh Bayrampour | Scott R. Beach |
Raoul Belzeaux | Veerle Bergink | Michael Berk |
Wade H. Berrettini | Michele A. Bertocci | Joseph Biederman |
Rebecca K. Blais | Carlos Blanco | Michael H. Bloch |
Daniel M. Blumberger | Chad A. Bousman | Laurent Boyer |
María Fe Bravo-Ortiz | Josefien J. F. Breedvelt | E. Sherwood Brown |
Antonio Bulbena | Katherine E. Burdick | Betsy Busch |
Eduardo R. Butelman | Lauren M. Bylsma | Simon Byrne |
Ricardo Caceda | Kristen S. Cadenhead | Laura Campbell-Sills |
Joan A. Camprodon | Hengyi Cao | Pieter-Jan Carpentier |
Jose Luis Carrasco | Saulo Castel | Franca Centorrino |
Eva Češková | Prakash Chandra | K. N. Roy Chengappa |
Robert A. Chernoff | Gia Chodzen | Lois W. Choi-Kain |
Guy Chouinard | Virginie-Anne Chouinard | Ka-Fai Chung |
Nicole H. Cirino | Crystal T. Clark | Kristen Clements-Nolle |
Adam Cobb | Barbara J. Coffey | Dan Cohen |
Peter J. Colvonen | Charles R. Conway | Tammy Corr |
Paul E. Croarkin | Karen L. Cropsey | Pim Cuijpers |
Ella J. Daly | Daniella David | Lori L. Davis |
Paola Dazzan | Jose de Leon | Eberhard A. Deisenhammer |
Sharon Dekel | Valerio Dell’Oste | Liliana Dell’Osso |
Jonathan Del-Monte | Alice Demesmaeker | Ellen B. Dennehy |
Jonathan M. DePierro | Benita S. Dieperink | Clément Dondé |
Brian Downer | Patricia Drentea | Yogesh Dwivedi |
Robin Emsley | Steven A. Epstein | Joscelyn E. Fisher |
Jacklynn M. Fitzgerald | Fernando Espi Forcen | Julian D. Ford |
Alberto Forte | Daniel Foti | Margot Fournier |
Elisabeth A. Frazier | Scott A. Freeman | David M. Fresco |
Gregory L. Fricchione | Maria Gałuszko-Węgielnik | Keming Gao |
Fraser Gaspar | Bradley N. Gaynes | Daniel A. Geller |
Paul Gill | Stephen E. Gilman | Lucas Giner |
Joga Gobburu | Leandra Godoy | Liza H. Gold |
Joseph F. Goldberg | C. Bernie Good | David W. Goodman |
Carla Gramaglia | Jared M. Greenberg | Erik J. Groessi |
Nancy K. Grote | Michael F. Grunebaum | Peter M. Gutierrez |
Katsuhiko Hagi | Jane E. Hamilton | Kelly M. Harrington |
Lauren M. Harris | Philip D. Harvey | Alkomiet Hasan |
Kotaro Hatta | Claire Henderson | Rebecca Hendrickson |
Alison Hermann | Michael A. Hertzberg | Ryan M. Hill |
Blake T. Hilton | Stephen P. Hinshaw | Mikkel Højlund |
Nicolas Hoertel | Georgina M. Hosang | Krista F. Huybrechts |
María Irigoyen-Otiñano | Michael W. Jann | Ronald J. Janssen |
Vincent Jardon | Sameer Jauhar | Jonathan B. Jensen |
Frank Jessen | Dilip V. Jeste | Manish Kumar Jha |
Emma C. Johnson | Joshua T. Jordan | Bashkim Kadriu |
René S. Kahn | John M. Kane | Stephen Kanne |
Máté Kapitány-Fövény | Helmet T. Karim | Jordan F. Karp |
Ira R. Katz | Benjamin M. Keizer | Charles H. Kellner |
Sidney H. Kennedy | Suzanne E. Kerns | Alex S. Keuroghlian |
Hari-Mandir K. Khalsa | Amber Khan | Brigitte Khoury |
Deborah R. Kim | Anthony P. King | Dimitris N. Kiosses |
Irving Kirsch | Taro Kishi | Evan M. Kleiman |
Laura E. Knouse | James H. Kocsis | Nicholas Kontos |
Susan G. Kornstein | Oswald D. Kothgassner | Katarina Kouter |
Robert A. Kowatch | Nicole Kozloff | Julie Kreyenbuhl |
John H. Krystal | Jayashri Kulkarni | Chian-Jue Kuo |
Aparajita B. Kuriyan | Simon D. Kyle | Mathieu Lacambre |
Aurélie M. Lasserre | John Lauriello | Helen Lavretsky |
Philip Lazarus | Daniel J. Lee | Ellen E. Lee |
Hang Lee | Jimmy Lee | Belinda R. Lennox |
Michael B. Lensing | Eric J. Lenze | Bianca A. Lever-van Milligen |
Yossi Levi-Belz | Frances R. Levin | Kathryn E. Lewandowski |
Duanping Liao | Nádia Nara Rolim Lima | Chen-Chung Liu |
Jorge Lopez-Castroman | Paul H. Lysaker | Heather A. MacPherson |
Matthew Macaluso | Trine Madsen | Rajnish Mago |
Youssef Mahfoud | Giuseppe Maina | Vladimir Maletic |
Peter Manu | Jessica L. Maples-Keller | Stephen R. Marder |
John C. Markowitz | Luana Marques | Andrés Martin |
Donel M. Martin | Elizabeth A. Martin | D. Richard Martini |
Greg W. Mattingly | W. Vaughn McCall | Erin A. McClure |
Susan L. McElroy | James J. McGough | Roger S. McIntyre |
Francis J. McMahon | Molly K. McVoy | Alicia E. Meuret |
Walter J. Meyer | Barnett S. Meyers | Matthew J. Miller |
Zachary B. Millman | David Mischoulon | Brooke S. G. Molina |
Wynne S. Morgan | Natalie P. Mota | Kim T. Mueser |
James W. Murrough | Rajesh Nayak | J. Craig Nelson |
Yuval Neria | Remington Nevin | Mark J. Niciu |
Olav Nielssen | Andrew A. Nierenberg | Ruta M. Nonacs |
Kazutaka Ohi | Emilie Olié | Dost Öngur |
Lauren M. Osborne | Vicki Osborne | Michael J. Ostacher |
George I. Papakostas | Joel Paris | Elyse R. Park |
Gordon Parker | Barbara L. Parry | Neepa Patel |
Jennifer L. Payne | Tara S. Peris | Amy Perry |
Paul N. Pfeiffer | Marilyn L. Piccirillo | Matthew C. Podlogar |
Mark H. Pollack | Thomas Pollak | Maurizio Pompili |
Dina Popovic | Alejandro Porras-Segovia | Richard J. Porter |
Sheldon H. Preskorn | Ric M. Procyshyn | Lena C. Quilty |
Davin Quinn | Andrea Raballo | Rajiv Radhakrishnan |
Roueen Rafeyan | Vinod Rao | Mark H. Rapaport |
Murray A. Raskind | William H. Reid | Erin D. Reilly |
Arne Reimers | Eva Z. Reininghaus | Christel Renoux |
David C. Rettew | Johan Reutfors | Charles F. Reynolds III |
Taeho Greg Rhee | Natalie B. V. Riblet | Thomas Richardson |
Adelaide S. Robb | Dennis Rosen | Jerrold F. Rosenbaum |
Joshua D. Rosenblat | Rebecca C. Rossom | Barbara O. Rothbaum |
Anthony J. Rothschild | Maarten Pieter Rozing | Camilo J. Ruggero |
A. John Rush | Arthur T. Ryan | Pilar A. Sáiz |
Martha Sajatovic | Atsushi Sakuma | Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo |
Jerome Sarris | Erika F. H. Saunders | Rob Saunders |
Kirti Saxena | Alan F. Schatzberg | Jeffrey F. Scherrer |
Adam T. Schmidt | Kristina Schnitzer | Sarah Scholle |
Nina R. Schooler | Georgios Schoretsanitis | Randi Melissa Schuster |
James G. Scott | Mary V. Seeman | Yvette I. Sheline |
Richard C. Shelton | Li Shen | Brian Shiner |
Prabha Siddarth | Alessio Simonetti | Lauren M. Sippel |
Dan J. Siskind | Christina W. Slotema | Stephen F. Smagula |
Claudio N. Soares | Nili Solomonov | Alexandra Sosinsky |
Harm-Pieter Spaans | Patricia T. Spangler | Kai Spiegelhalder |
Margaret G. Spinelli | Norman M. Spivak | Mamidipalli Sai Spoorthy |
Sarah T. Stahl | Sunita M. Stewart | Kuan-Pin Su |
M. Elizabeth Sublette | Jasjit S. Suri | Jeffrey W. Swanson |
Mercedes J. Szpunar | Hiroyoshi Takeuchi | Rajesh R. Tampi |
Rajiv Tandon | David Taylor | Tobias Teismann |
Alan R. Teo | Stephen M. Thielke | Robyn P. Thom |
Emily B. H. Treichler | Alfonso Troisi | Chia-Fen Tsai |
Raymond P. Tucker | Rudolf Uher | Rachel Upthegrove |
Linda Valeri | Rachel Vanderkruik | Marin Veldic |
Eduard Vieta | Simone N. Vigod | Mark Viron |
Jan Volavka | Martin Voracek | Sarah E. Vordenberg |
Nicole Votruba | Kent E. Vrana | Lee E. Wachtel |
Hong-Xing Wang | Peter J. Weiden | Tal Weinberger |
Aviv Weinstein | Roger D. Weiss | Myrna M. Weissman |
Charles A. Welch | Samuel T. Wilkinson | John W. Winkleman |
Eva C. Winnebeck | Katherine L. Wisner | Courtney Benjamin Wolk |
Chao-Yi Wu | Yvonne S. Yang | Philip T. Yanos |
Ayşegül Yildiz | Paul S. F. Yip | Gihyun Yoon |
Mary C. Zanarini | Carlos A. Zarate Jr | Robson Zazula |
Jie Zhan | Wei Zheng | Bao-Liang Zhong |
Shouhao Zhou | Mark Zimmerman | Mathias Zink |
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