Brainstorms September 30, 2000

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Psychopharmacologists: Overview

J Clin Psychiatry 2000;61(4):242-243

Article Abstract

This feature begins the firstof a series of articles onthe habits of highly effectiveclinical psychiatristswho practice psychopharmacologyand have difficult management problemsin their clinical practices.Steven Covey hit a resonant chordwhen he identified the behaviorsof successful business professionalsin his book The 7 Habits of HighlyEffective People, which has becomean enduring best seller. This articleattempts to apply Covey’s tried andtrue approach to the practice of contemporarypsychopharmacology.

"Best practice" standards suggestpatients be managed accordingto generally accepted treatmentalgorithms derived from controlledclinical trials.