The 5th edition of this Handbook is 1 volume in a 3-part series dealing with various aspects of aging. The focus is geropsychology, which is the intersection of aging and psychological processes (e.g., social influences, behavior, cognition, emotions, personality, and function) as they relate to change and continuity throughout the life span. As such, this multiauthored text covers a wide range of topics and would be a useful reference for researchers and clinicians who have an interest in or work with older adults. The tenor of the book is research based, rather than clinical, in nature. The contributors are leaders in their respective fields and thus are well qualified to discuss and critically evaluate current research findings. The volume contains 4 sections: (1) Concepts, Theory, and Methods in the Psychology of Aging; (2) Biological and Social Influences on Behavior; (3) Behavioral Processes and Psychological Functions; and (4) Behavior in Social Contexts.
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