Book Review April 15, 2005

Late-Life Depression

J Clin Psychiatry 2005;66(4):545-545

Article Abstract

Because this piece has no abstract, we provided for your benefit the first 3 sentences of the full text.

This is an outstanding 388-page textbook dedicated to thesubject of depression in the elderly. What is remarkable aboutthis book is that it strives to use an evidence-based approachto describe illness models and clinical treatments. The editorshave assembled a distinguished group of experts as chapter contributors that include George Alexopoulos, Dan Blazer, YeatesConwell, Murali Doraiswamy, Ellen Frank, Dilip Jeste, Ira Katz,Ranga Krishnan, Barry Lebowitz, Charles Reynolds III, CarlSalzman, and Gary Small.’ ‹