Looking Ahead
It would be rash to try to anticipate the shape and nature of health care in the United States 10 years from now. But major change is inevitable, and the system will be more cost conscious. In that future, people’s behavior will become a more important lever to achieve better health outcomes and more efficient use of resources. Detection and optimal treatment of psychiatric conditions will ascend as priorities. Add to that the exciting and rapidly evolving advances in neuroscience, which already are informing psychiatric practice, and we have a future psychiatry that quickens the heartbeat.
Psychiatric science advances and clinical options expand, but JCP’s mission remains steadfast. We translate new knowledge and research findings into relevant material for practitioners. The process begins with scientists, scholars, and practitioners and flows through an ever-expanding pool of generous, talented colleagues, who perform the service of peer review anonymously and without compensation. The editors express our heartfelt gratitude to the following men and women, and especially to the members of our Circle of Honor. We look forward to working with you in the exciting future to come.
Chittaranjan Andrade, MD
Scott A. Freeman, MD
Jerry L. Halverson, MD
Ahmad Hameed, MD
James W. Jefferson, MD
James H. Kocsis, MD
Susan G. Kornstein, MD
Mario Maj, MD
John C. Markowitz, MD
Susan L. McElroy, MD
Roger E. Meyer, MD
J. Craig Nelson, MD
Michael K. Popkin, MD
Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, MD
Barbara O. Rothbaum, PhD
Erika F. H. Saunders, MD
Mauricio Tohen, MD, DrPH
Mark Zimmerman, MD
Reviewers for The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
December 5, 2012—December 5, 2013
Susan E. Abbey, MD
Kathryn M. Abel, PhD
Gregory Acampora, MD
Jayant Acharya, MD
Clive Adams, PhD
David A. Adler, MD
Lawrence W. Adler, MD
Lenard A. Adler, MD
Jotaro Akiyoshi, MD, PhD
Renato D. Alarcon, MD, MPH
Guillermo P. Algorta, PhD
Jonathan E. Alpert, MD, PhD
Alfredo Carlo Altamura, MD
Arthur D. Anastopoulos, PhD
Frank Andersohn, MD
Heather D. Anderson, PhD
Ole A. Andreassen, MD, PhD
Carmen Andreescu, MD
Deidre M. Anglin, PhD
Emily B. Ansell, PhD
Raymond F. Anton, MD
Paul S. Applebaum, MD
Alan Apter, MD
Jean-Michel Aubry, MD, PhD
George Awad, MB, BCh, PhD
Seth R. Axelrod, PhD
Dara E. Babinski, PhD
Alessia Bachis, PhD
Rajendra D. Badgaiyan, MD
Terry Badger, PhD, RN
Catherine L. Bagwell, PhD
David A. Baker, PhD
Ross A. Baker, PhD, MBA
Vicent Balanza-Martinez, PhD, MD
Ross J. Baldessarini, MD
David S. Baldwin, DM
Clive G. Ballard, MD
Richard Balon, MD
Karl-Juergen Bar, MD
Yaron Bar-dayan, MD, MHA
Paul G. Barnett, PhD
Sara Smucker Barnwell, PhD
Sean P. Barrett, PhD
Steven L. Batki, MD
Mark S. Bauer, MD
Annette Beautrais, PhD
Karl Bechter, MD
Ettore Beghi, MD
Alfredo Bellon, MD, PhD
Ruth Benca, MD, PhD
Corina Benjet, PhD
Dror Ben-Zeev, PhD
Isidoor O. Bergfeld, PhD
Veerle Bergink, MD
Michael Berk, MD, PhD
Steven Berkowitz, MD
John Beyer, MD
Kartik D. Bhatia, MBBS, MS
Daniel G. Bichet, MD, MSc
Joseph Biederman, MD
O. Joseph Bienvenu, MD
Robert M. Bilder, PhD
Denis G. Birgenheir, PhD
Istvan Bitter, MD, PhD, DSc
Edward O. Bixler, PhD
Emma Robertson Blackmore, PhD
Joseph C. Blader, PhD
Carlos Blanco, MD, PhD
Michael Bloch, MD, MS
Miki Bloch, MD
J. Alexander Bodkin, MD
Michael Bodnar, PhD
George A. Bonanno, PhD
Richard Bootzin, PhD
Karin Borgmann-Winter, MD
Roger A. Boshes, MD, PhD
Kelly N. Botteron, MD
James A. Bourgeois, MD
Charles L. Bowden, MD
Bekh Bradley, PhD
Kathleen T. Brady, MD, PhD
Raphael J. Braga, MD
Anna R. Brandon, PhD
David Brang, PhD
Jennifer C. Britton, PhD
Courtney M. Brown, MD
E. Sherwood Brown, MD, PhD
Thomas E. Brown, PhD
Kimberly A. Brownley, PhD
Mary F. Brunette, MD
Robert W. Buchanan, MD
Peter F. Buckley, MD
Eric Bui, MD, PhD
Oscar Bukstein, MD, MPH
Scott Bunce, PhD
William E. Bunney, MD
William J. Burke, MD
Andrew Busch, PhD
Meryl A. Butters, PhD
Debra L. Byler, MD
Shannon Byrne, PhD
Li Cai, PhD
John E. Calamari, PhD
Susan L. Calhoun, PhD
Isobel M. Cameron, MD(Hons)
Bruce Capehart, MD, MBA
Regina C. Casper, MD
F. Xavier Castellanos, MD
Andrea Eugenio Cavanna, MD, PhD
Julie Cerel, PhD
Catherine Cerulli, JD
Anil Chacko, PhD
Sally Chan, PhD
Linda Chao, PhD
Phillip Chappell, MD
Janita P. C. Chau, RN, MPhil
Katarzyna Chawarska, PhD
K. N. Roy Chengappa, MD
Vernon M. Chinchilli, PhD
James C. Chou, MD
Monali Chowdhury, PhD
Lydia Chwastiak, MD, PhD
Leslie Citrome, MD, MPH
Paula J. Clayton, MD
Amy N. Cohen, PhD
David Colton, PhD
Jonathan S. Comer, PhD
Kenneth Conner, PsyD, MPH
Philippe Conus, MD
Ian A. Cook, MD
Jennifer Corbelli, MD, MS
William H. Coryell, MD
Fiammetta Cosci, MD, PhD
Joseph T. Coyle, MD
Bevin Croft, MPP
Scott Crow, MD
Sheila N. Crowell, PhD
Pim Cuijpers, PhD
Kristen Culbert, PhD
Larry Culpepper, MD, MPH
Cristina Cusin, MD
Gregory W. Dalack, MD
James Dalen, MD, MPH
Josep Dalmau, MD, PhD
Cristian Damsa, MD
Jo×£o Data-Franco, MD
Jonathan R. T. Davidson, MD
John M. Davis, MD
Marc De Hert, MD, PhD
Bernardo Dell’ Osso, MD
Nicholas J. Delva, MD
Michael J. Detke, MD, PhD
Guy S. Diamond, PhD
Benjamin D. Dickstein, PhD
Crisanto Diez-Quevedo, MD, PhD
Steven C. Dilsaver, MD
Sona Dimidjian, PhD
Anne Doherty, MRCPsych
Christian R. Dolder, PharmD
Keri J. Donaldson, MD
Gary Donohoe, PhD
Julie M. Donohue, PhD
Darin D. Dougherty, MD
Hemmo Drexhage, MD, PhD
Benjamin G. Druss, MD, MPH
Cristiane S. Duarte, PhD, MPH
Steven L. Dubovsky, MD
Robert Dufresne, PhD
Boadie W. Dunlop, MD
David L. Dunner, MD
Linda S. Durst, MD
Nicholas R. Eaton, PhD
Jon D. Elhai, PhD
Ask Elklit, MPsych
Glen R. Elliott, PhD, MD
David C. Emelity, MD
Robin Emsley, MD
Graham J. Emslie, MD
Craig A. Erickson, MD
Susan M. Essock, PhD
Anne E. Evins, MD, MPH
Andrea Fagiolini, MD
Christopher Fairholme, PhD
Peter Falkai, MD
Giovanni A. Fava, MD
Maurizio Fava, MD
Jan Fawcett, MD
Julio Fernandez-Mendoza, PhD
Mathew Fetzner, MA, PhD
David A. Fiellin, MD
Max Fink, MD
Andreas Finklemeyer, MD
Bernard A. Fischer, MD
Paul B. Fitzgerald, PhD
Robin Fivush, PhD
W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker, MD
Nicola Fletcher, BSc, PhD
David Forbes, PhD
Julian D. Ford, PhD
Jonathan Foulds, PhD
Ellen Frank, PhD
Ellen W. Freeman, PhD
Matthew J. Friedman, MD, PhD
Susan Hatters Friedman, MD
Mary A. Fristad, PhD
B. Christopher Frueh, PhD
Abby J. Fyer, MD
Megan Galbally, MBBS, MPM
Tara Galovski, PhD
Keming Gao, MD, PhD
Steven J. Garlow, MD, PhD
Brandon A. Gaudiano, PhD
Edward Gentile, DO, MBH
Tony P. George, MD
Alyson Gerdes, PhD
Robert H. Gerner, MD
Omar Ghaffar, MD
Robert D. Gibbons, PhD
Stephen E. Gilman, ScD
Leslie H. Gise, MD
William M. Glazer, MD
Ira D. Glick, MD
Shirley Glynn, PhD
Linda S. Godleski, MD
Joseph F. Goldberg, MD
Richard Goldberg, PhD
Morris Goldman, MD
Benjamin I. Goldstein, MD, PhD
David B. Goldston, PhD
Jessica Goren, PharmD
Angela Gorman, PhD
Jack M. Gorman, MD
Marco A. Grados, MD
Bridget F. Grant, MD, PhD
Jon E. Grant, JD, MD
Jason Grebely, PhD
Alan I. Green, MD
Jennifer Greif Green, PhD
Michael F. Green, PhD
Theresa L. Green, PhD
David J. Greenblatt, MD
John H. Greist, MD
Peter Gross, PhD
Nancy K. Grote, PhD
Michael F. Grunebaum, MD
Angela S. Guarda, MD
Carolina Gubert, BSc
Paul C. Guest, PhD
John G. Gunderson, MD
Bill J. Gurley, PhD
Thomas G. Gutheil, MD
Sally Guthrie, PharmD
Gillian Haddock, PhD
Zeba H. Hafeez, MD
Sameh M. Hakim, MD
Angelos Halaris, MD, PhD
Katherine A. Halmi, MD
Paul Hammerness, MD
Michael S. Hanau, MD
Anthony Harris, MBBS, PhD
Kathrin Hartmann, PhD
Philip D. Harvey, PhD
Peter P. Hauser, MD
Adele M. Hayes, PhD
Patricia L. Haynes, PhD
Hiske Hees, MSc
David C. Henderson, MD
Paula L. Hensley, MD
Sharon J. Herring, MD, MPH
Steven T. Herron, MD
Jolene M. Hillwig-Garcia, MD
Ian Hindmarch, PhD
Robert M. A. Hirschfeld, MD
G. Alex Hishaw, MD
Heidi Hjelmeland, PhD
Carsten Rygaard Hjorth׸j, MSc
Beng-Choon Ho, MD
Charles W. Hoge, MD
Laura Hollar-Wilt, PhD
Laura M. Holsen, PhD
Richard I. Holt, MB, PhD
Paul E. Holtzheimer, MD
Jin-Pyo Hong, MD
Derek R. Hopko, PhD
Georgina M. Hosang, MSc
Patricia R. Houck, MS
Fei-Yuan Sharon Hsiao, PhD
Hao Huang, PhD
Xuemei Huang, MD, PhD
James I. Hudson, MD, ScD
Jeff C. Huffman, MD
Isabelle M. Hunt, PhD
Krista F. Huybrechts, PhD
Pec Indman, EdD, MFT
Erkki T. Isometsפ, MD, PhD
Koh Iwasaki, MD, PhD
Rakesh Jain, MD, MPH
David S. Janowsky, MD
Gerald J. Jerome, PhD
Frank Jessen, MD
Jianguang Ji, MD, PhD
Russell T. Joffee, MD
Louise Johns, PhD
Justin M. Johnson, MD
Sterling C. Johnson, PhD
Pavle Joksovic, MD
Fabrice Jollant, MD, MSc
David T. Jones, MD
Aditya Joshi, MD
Dierich Kaiser, MD
Stefan Kaiser, MD
Constance M. Kalinowski, MD
Bengt Kallen, MD, PhD
Thomas Kammer, MD
John M. Kane, MD
Joshua T. Kantrowitz, MD
Flávio Kapczinski, MD, PhD
Rakesh Karmacharya, MD, PhD
Siegfried Kasper, MD, PhD
Joanna Katsanis, PhD
David J. Katzelnick, MD
Walter Kaufmann, MD
Matthew Kayser, MD, PhD
Martin B. Keller, MD
Charles H. Kellner, MD
Deanna L. Kelly, PharmD
Sidney H. Kennedy, MD
Munir Kerim, MD, MPH, DSc
Arif Khan, MD
Amy M. Kilbourne, PhD, MPH
Jong S. Kim, MD, PhD
Sang Hwan Kim, PhD
Anthony King, PhD
Bruce J. Kinon, MD
Dimitri Kiosses, PhD
George Kirov, PhD
Daniel Klein, PhD
Anne Klibanski, MD
Chih-Hung Ko, MD
Stephan Köhler, MD
Theodore T. Kolivakis, MD
Simone Kool, MD, PhD
Alex Kopelowicz, MD
Gideon Koren, MD
F. Andrew Kozel, MD, MSCR
Helena C. Kraemer, PhD
Daniel F. Kripke, MD
Venkatesh B. Krishnamurthy, MD
John H. Krystal, MD
Jayashri Kulkarni, MBBS, PhD
Robin Lachmann, PhD
Caleb Lack, PhD
Lareina La Flair, PhD
Edward Chia-Cheng Lai, PhD
Eric Lancaster, MD, PhD
Ariel J. Lang, PhD
Joshua Langberg, PhD
Trine Larsen, PhD
Johan J. E. Lataster, MSC
Éric Latimer, PhD
Thomas P. Laughren, MD
John Lauriello, MD
Judith Lave, PhD
Hochang Lee, MD
Charles E. Leonard, PharmD, MSCE
A. M. Lerner
Unax Lertxundi, PhD
Douglas L. Leslie, PhD
Stefan Leucht, MD
Martha P. Levine, MD
Robert D. Levitan, MD
Philip Levy, MD
Kathryn Lewandowski, PhD
Chunbo Li, MD
Xin-Min Li, MD, PhD
Roselind Lieb, PhD
Jane Liebschutz, MD, MPH
Antolin Llorente, PhD
Antony Loebel, MD
Jennifer M. Loftis, PhD
Cindy Logsdon, DNS, ARNP
James W. Lomax, MD
Sandra Loo, PhD
Richard Loren, PhD
F. E. Lotrich, MD, PhD
Tsung-Hsueh Lu, MD, PhD
Brian C. Lund, PharmD, MS
R. Bruce Lydiard, PhD, MD
Constantine G. Lyketsos, MD, MHS
Rodrigo Machado-Vieira, MD, PhD
Michael Maes, MD, PhD
Jeanne Maglione, MD
Kathryn Magruder, PhD
Richard Mailman, PhD
Vladimir Maletic, MD, MS
Anil K. Malhotra, MD
Alan G. Mallinger, MD
Rachel Manber, PhD
Maria C. Mancebo, PhD
Cyndie K. Mannesse, MD
Theo C. Manschreck, MD
Outi K. Mantere, MD, PhD
Peter Manu, MD
Stephen R. Marder, MD
Prakash S. Masand, MD
Sanjay J. Mathew, MD
Akihisa Matsuda, MD, PhD
Donovan Maust, MD
W. Vaughn McCall, MD
John F. McCarthy, PhD
Cheryl McCullumsmith, MD, PhD
Robert E. McCullumsmith, MD, PhD
William M. McDonald, MD
Christopher J. McDougle, MD
Joseph P. McEvoy, MD
Patrick McGorry, MD, PhD
James J. McGough, MD
R. Kathryn McHugh, PhD
Shelley McMain, PhD, C Psych
Heather E. McNeely, PhD
Samara McPhedran, PhD
Nadine Melhem, PhD
Herbert Y. Meltzer, MD
Adrianna Mendrek, PhD
Nadia Micali, PhD
Snezana Milanovic, MD, MSc
William P. Milchak, LCSW
Alexander L. Miller, MD
Joshua Miller, PhD
Karen K. Miller, MD
Mark Miller, MD
Barbara L. Milrod, MD
David Mischoulon, MD, PhD
John Misiaszek, MD
James E. Mitchell, MD
John Mitchell, PhD
F. Gerard Moeller, MD
Mariam Molokhia, BSc, MBCHB
Erwin B. Montgomery, Jr, MD
Stuart A. Montgomery, MD, PhD
Constance Moore, PhD
Jared Moreines, BS
Francisco A. Moreno, MD
David W. Morris, PhD
Roger T. Mulder, MB, ChB, PhD
James C. Mundt, PhD
Cynthia Munro, PhD
Michael J. Murray, MD
James W. Murrough, MD
Andrea Murru, MD
Raimundo Juan Muscellini, MD
Dieter Naber, MD, PhD
William E. Narrow, MD, MPH
Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD
Yuval Neria, PhD
Antonia S. New, MD
Angela Nickerson, PhD
Jenifer A. Nields, MD
Jimmi Nielsen, MD
Olav B. Nielssen, MBBS, MCrim
Tara Niendam, PhD
Andrew A. Nierenberg, MD
Philip T. Ninan, MD
Marek J. Noga, PhD
Karen Nolan, PhD
Willem A. Nolen, MD
Merete Nordentoft, MD
Irena Nulman, MD
Edward V. Nunes, MD
H. George Nurnberg, MD
Meaghan L. O’ Donnell, PhD
Emanuela Offidani, PhD
Maurice M. Ohayon, MD, DSc, PhD
John M. Oldham, MD
Thomas M. Olino, PhD
Alison Oliveto, PhD
Anne Marie O’ Melia, MS, MD
Adrienne O’ Neil, PhD
Marco Onofrj, MD
Maria A. Oquendo, MD
Dan A. Oren, MD
David Osborn, PhD, MRCPsych
David N. Osser, MD
Michael J. Ostacher, MD, MPH
S׸ren Dinesen טstergaard, MD
James Overholser, PhD
Isabella Pacchiarotti, MD, PhD
Chi-Un Pae, MD
Stefano Pallanti, MD, PhD
George I. Papakostas, MD
Georgios Papazisis, MD, PhD
Joel Paris, MD
Gordon B. Parker, PhD
Barbara Parry, MD
Marc Patterson, MD
Jennifer L. Payne, MD
John M. S. Pearce, MD
Teri Pearlstein, MD
Elizabeth C. Penick, PhD
Brenda W. J. H. Penninx, PhD
M. Mercedes Perez-Rodriguez, MD
Roy H. Perlis, MD, MSc
Nader Perroud, MD
Paul Perry, PhD
Giulio Perugi, MD
Ismene L. Petrakis, MD
Paul N. Pfeiffer, MD
Noah P. Phillip, PhD, MD
Barbara Phillips, MD
Jennifer L. Phillips, BSc
Katharine A. Phillips, MD
Wilfred R. Pigeon, PhD
Vesna Pirec, MD, PhD
Mark H. Pollack, MD
Maurizio Pompili, MD, PhD
Anton P. Porsteinsson, MD
Mauro Porta, MD
Kelly Posner, PhD
Robert M. Post, MD
Vladimir Poznyak, MD, PhD
Sheldon H. Preskorn, MD
Lawrence H. Price, MD
Judith Prochaska, MD, MPH
Federica Provini, PhD
Maulik P. Purohit, MD, MPH
Michael Rafii, MD, PhD
Charles L. Raison, MD
Jeffrey J. Rakofsky, MD
Mark H. Rapaport, MD
Mark Rapp, MD
Murray A. Raskind, MD
Keith G. Rasmussen, MD
Steven A. Rasmussen, MD
Yasmeen Rauf, MD
Arun V. Ravindran, MD, PhD
Felice Reddy, PhD
Clare Rees, PhD
Eline J. Regeer, MD
Darrel A. Regier, MD, MPH
Dan Reidenberg, PsyD, FAPA
Gary J. Remington, MD, PhD
Johanne Renaud, MD
John Renner, Jr, MD
David C. Rettew, MD
Michelle B. Riba, MB, MS
Bradley C. Riemann, PhD
Adelaide S. Robb, MD
Delbert G. Robinson, MD
Robert Roca, MD
E. Sally Rogers, ScD
Kamilla Rognmo, MD
Paul B. Rosenberg, MD
Robert Rosenheck, MD
Susanne Rosner, PhD
Isabelle M. Rosso, PhD
Anthony J. Rothschild, MD
John P. Rotrosen, MD
Leah H. Rubin, MD
Matthew V. Rudorfer, MD
Neal D. Ryan, MD
Marwan Sabbagh, MD
Gary S. Sachs, MD
Martha Sajatovic, MD
Ihsan M. Salloum, MD, MPH
Carl Salzman, MD
Douglas B. Samuel, PhD
Vanessa Sanchez-Gistau, MD
Pasqualina Santaguida, PT, PhD
Jose M. Santiago, MD
Jitender Sareen, MD, FRCPC
Jerome Sarris, PhD, MHSc
Brian D. Saunders, MD
Sanjaya Saxena, MD
Mark Schechter, MD
Michael Scheeringa, MD
Aart H. Schene, PhD
Jeffrey Scherrer, PhD
Paula Schnurr, PhD
Danielle Scholosser, PhD
Nina R. Schooler, PhD
Cornelius Schüle, MD
Emanuel Schwarz, PhD
Michael E. Scott, MD
Paul Sedge, MD
Mary V. Seeman, MDCM
Larry J. Seidman, PhD
Alessandro Serretti, MD
Mujeeb U. Shad, MD, MSCS
John H. Shale, MD, JD
Arieh Y. Shalev, MD
Verinder Sharma, MBBS
Richard J. Shaw, PhD
William Sheehan, MD
Richard C. Shelton, MD
Joo-Cheol Shim, MD, PhD
Ann K. Shinn, MD, MPH
Geetha Shivakumar, MD
Stephen Shoptaw, PhD
Michelle M. Sidor, PhD
Derrick Silove, MD
Roxane Cohen Silver, PhD
Gregory E. Simon, MD
H. Blair Simpson, MD, PhD
Steven C. Sinderman, MD
Ravi Singareddy, MD
Surendra P. Singh, MD
Lawrence I. Sinoway, MD
Mark Sinyor, MD
Samuel G. Siris, MD
Andrew E. Skodol, MD
Silje Skrede, PhD
Warner E. Slack, MD
Gary W. Small, MD
Jo Smith, PhD
Kathy W. Smith, MD
Robert C. Smith, MD, PhD
Jasper Smits, PhD
Mehmet Sofuoglu, MD, PhD
Zahava Solomon, PhD
Mickey Sperlich, MA, MSW, CPM
Kai Spiegelhalder, MD, PhD
Jan Spijker, MD, PhD
Margaret G. Spinelli, MD
Shefali Srivastava, MD
Steven Stack, PhD
Gail Steketee, PhD
Stephanie Stepp, PhD
Theodore A. Stern, MD
Marc Stone, MD
Eric A. Storch, PhD
David R. Strong, PhD
David Sultzer, MD
Xiaowei Sun, MD
Trisha Suppes, MD, PhD
Craig B. H. Surman, MD
Norman Sussman, MD
Holly A. Swartz, MD
Robert Swift, MD
Katalin Szanto, MD
Mariana Szklo-Coxe, PhD
Ameer Y. Taha, PhD
Tjiauw-ling Tan, MD
Rajiv Tandon, MD
Frank I. Tarazi, PhD
J. Lynn Taylor, MD
Michael E. Thase, MD
Stephen Thielke, MD, MPH
Alan Thomas, MRPsych, MD
Wesley Thompson, PhD
Steven R. Thorp, PhD
Edward H. Tobe, MD
Leonardo Tondo, MD
Carla Torrent, PhD
John Tredget, RMN, BSc, PGDipl
Paula Trzepacz, MD
Gustavo Turecki, MD, PhD
Monica Uddin, PhD
Eberhard H. Uhlenhuth, MD
Maria Urbano, MD
Marcia Valenstein, MD
Eve M. Valera, PhD
Michael Van Ameringen, MD
Davy Vancampfort, PhD
Martine van Dongen-Boomsma, MD
Anna R. Van Meter, PhD
Richard C. Veith, MD
Dawn I. Velligan, PhD
Alexandros Vgontzas, MD
Eduard Vieta, MD, PhD
W. Victor R. Vieweg, MD
Jeannie Visootsak, MD
Jan Volavka, MD, PhD
Roland von Kפnel, MD
Lars-Olof Wahlund, MD, PhD
Sebastian Walther, MD
Yun Wang, MD, PhD
J. C. Ware, PhD
Daniel A. Waschbusch, PhD
James G. Waxmonsky, MD
Peter J. Weiden, MD
Andrea H. Weinberger, PhD
Lauren Weinstock, PhD
Roger D. Weiss, MD
Kenneth Wells, MD
Amy West, PhD
Richard Whale, MBBS, MD
Heather Whalley, PhD
Timothy E. Wilens, MD
Mark Williams, MD
Anna M. Wirz-Justice, PhD
Thomas N. Wise, MD
Katherine L. Wisner, MD
Chun-Ying Wu, MD, MPH, PhD
Lex Wunderink, MD, PhD
Jonathan K. Wynn, PhD
Joel Yager, MD
Michael A. Young, PhD
Eric A. Youngstrom, PhD
Nagy A. Youssef, MD
Martin Zack, PhD
Mary C. Zanarini, EdD
Carlos A. Zarate, Jr, MD
Douglas F. Zatzick, MD
Stephanie Zerwas, PhD
Jianyi Zhang, FRANZCP
Lei Zhang, MD
Kara Zivin, PhD
Gwen L. Zornberg, MD, ScD
Marco Zucconi, MD
Nancy Zucker, PhD
© Copyright 2014 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc. (doi:10.4088/JCP.13ed08893)