Background: Many patients with unipolardepression experience a return of depressive symptoms whiletaking a constant maintenance dose of an antidepressant.
Method: All cited studies were found usingcomputerized literature searches of the MEDLINE database since1966.
Results: The return of depressive symptomsduring maintenance antidepressant treatment has occurred in 9% to57% of patients in published trials. Possible explanationsinclude loss of placebo effect, pharmacologic tolerance, increasein disease severity, change in disease pathogenesis, theaccumulation of a detrimental metabolite, unrecognized rapidcycling, and prophylactic inefficacy.
Conclusion: Although several strategies havebeen proposed to overcome the loss of antidepressant efficacy,double-blind controlled studies are needed to ascertain theoptimal strategy for this perplexing clinical problem.
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