Original Research June 15, 2003

Morbidity in 258 Bipolar Outpatients Followed for 1 Year With Daily Prospective Ratings on the NIMH Life Chart Method.

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J Clin Psychiatry 2003;64(6):680-690

Article Abstract

Background: A number of recent longitudinal outcome studies have found substantial long-term morbidity in patients with bipolar disorder. The detailed course and pattern of illness emerging despite comprehensive treatment with mood stabilizers and adjunctive agents have previously not been well delineated.

Method: 258 consecutive outpatients admitted from 1996 to 1999 to the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network who had a full year of prospective daily clinician ratings on the National Institute of Mental Health-Life Chart Method were included in the analysis. Patients were diagnosed by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, with the majority (76%) having bipolar I disorder. They completed a questionnaire on demographics and prior illness course, and variables associated with outcome were examined in a hierarchical multinomial logistic regression analysis. Patients were treated naturalistically with a mean of 4.1 psychotropic medications during the year.

Results: Despite comprehensive pharmacologic treatment, mean time depressed (33.2% of the year) was 3-fold higher than time manic (10.8%); 62.8% of patients had 4 or more mood episodes per year. Two thirds of the patients were substantially impacted by their illness; 26.4% were ill for more than three fourths of the year, and 40.7% were intermittently ill with major affective episodes. After logistic regression analysis, those who were ill most of the year, compared with the largely well group, had a significantly greater family history of substance abuse, 10 or more depressive episodes, and limited occupational functioning prior to Network entry.

Conclusion: A majority of outpatients with bipolar illness, even with intense monitoring and treatment in specialty clinics, have a considerable degree of residual illness-related morbidity, including a 3-fold greater amount of time spent depressed versus time spent manic. A personal or family history of substance abuse, 10 or more prior depressions, and limited occupational functioning predicted the poorest outcomes. Additional interventions, particularly those targeted at treating depressive phases of bipolar illness, are greatly needed.

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