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The partnership between the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology and The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry stems directly from both parties’ commitment to providing quality continuing medical education. The ASCP Corner, a recurring section of JCP, is an important part of this shared mission. This edition of the ASCP Corner marks its first transition in editors, as J. Craig Nelson steps down after a decade of capable stewardship and Leslie Citrome assumes the helm.
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A Note From the ASCP President
The partnership between the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology and The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry stems directly from both parties’ commitment to providing quality continuing medical education. The ASCP Corner, a recurring section of JCP, is an important part of this shared mission. This edition of the ASCP Corner marks its first transition in editors, as J. Craig Nelson steps down after a decade of capable stewardship and Leslie Citrome assumes the helm. I have known Craig Nelson for more than 30 years and have admired his scholarly work my entire career, beginning with his seminal papers on the signs and symptoms of major depressive disorder in the early 1980s. But it is through Craig’s many and sustained contributions to ASCP that I have gotten to truly know this wonderful man. As with many volunteer posts in academic life, it would not be a surprise to learn that being the editor of the ASCP Corner can seem at times like a thankless job. Getting colleagues to agree to write articles is the easy part; cajoling and—if necessary—hounding authors to ensure that appropriately brief, high-quality review articles are delivered, month after month and year after year, requires the patience of Job and the tact of a diplomat, as well as healthy amounts of optimism, good humor, and resilience. Craig has brought the perfect combination of these qualities to the job, which he has performed like a labor of love for more than 10 years. So, please join me in extending a hearty thank you to Craig for a job so well done, along with welcoming Les Citrome. Les, you will have some big shoes to fill, but I can’ t think of a better person to be our second editor, so welcome aboard.
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