Empowering mental health professionals with peer-reviewed psychiatric research and insights
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Clinical and Practical Psychopharmacology
How to Read a Research Paper: An Exercise in Critical Thinking
December 11, 2018
Tamsulosin, used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, was associated in a recent study with an increase in the risk of incident dementia. In this installment of his column, Dr…
Original Research
Adjunctive Anti-Inflammatory Treatments for Bipolar Depression
December 4, 2018
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and antioxidative treatments have shown antidepressant potential as adjunct treatments. Read this article to learn if adjunctive treatment with the antioxidative agent N-acetylcysteine, the NSAID…
Original Research
Sudden Improvement in Symptoms During Antidepressant Clinical Trials
December 4, 2018
If a patient’s depressive symptoms subside very quickly after antidepressant treatment is initiated, do those gains represent a true and lasting response? This study examined whether sudden improvement in…
Letter to the Editor
Assessing Competency for Physician-Assisted Suicide Is Unethical
November 27, 2018
In this letter to the editor, Dr Komrad and colleagues outline their position on psychiatrists’ involvement with physician-assisted suicide as a response to the recent article “Working With Decisionally…