Book Review May 14, 2009

Patients With Substance Abuse Problems: Effective Identification, Diagnosis, and Treatment

J Clin Psychiatry 2009;70(4):608

Article Abstract

From our regular book review column.

The diagnosis and subsequent treatment of individuals with
substance use disorders can be a very challenging experience
for any clinician. This situation can be especially difficult in the
case of clinicians who are working in primary care and mental
health and who may lack experience and training in the field
of addiction. This text by Edgar P. Nace and Joyce A Tinsley,
Patients With Substance Abuse Problems: Effective Identification,
Diagnosis, and Treatment
, can provide help, hope, and
even a sense of gratification to clinicians working with this
patient population by providing them with a concise, clearly
written, and practical condensation of the essential elements involved
in the care of addiction patients.