Original Research Focus on Suicide November 25, 2024

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Risk of Suicide Reattempt in the French ALGOS Study

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J Clin Psychiatry 2024;85(4):24m15269


Objective: The specific role of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in individuals who have attempted suicide, along with the influence of comorbid psychiatric conditions on the risk of suicide reattempt, remains unexplored. This study aims to assess the association between PTSD and suicide reattempt at 6 months among suicide attempt (SA) survivors, while controlling for prevalent psychiatric disorders.

Method: We analyzed data from a cohort of 972 participants enrolled in the ALGOS study between January 2010 and February 2013. We assessed the risk of suicide reattempt at 6 months and rehospitalization in both psychiatric and nonpsychiatric settings. A multivariable logistic regression model was performed, controlling for depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and alcohol use disorder.

Results: Among all participants, 79 had a lifetime diagnosis of PTSD. At 6 months, 117 participants (13.3%) had reattempted suicide. After controlling for randomization group, age, sex, and comorbid psychiatric conditions, PTSD was statistically associated with suicide reattempt at 6 months (odds ratio [OR] with 95% CI, 2.33 [1.39–3.89], P < .01), rehospitalization in psychiatric settings (OR = 2.24 [1.39–3.61], P < .01), and nonpsychiatric settings (OR = 3.06 [1.90–4.93], P < .01).

Conclusion: Almost 1 in 10 SA survivors suffer from PTSD. These individuals are at a higher risk of suicide reattempt and appear more generally to be in poorer health, with a higher risk of hospitalization in psychiatric and nonpsychiatric settings. Recognizing and effectively managing PTSD among individuals admitted after an SA is thus imperative for reducing the risk of subsequent suicide reattempts.

J Clin Psychiatry 2024;85(4):24m15269

Author affiliations are listed at the end of this article.

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