Article April 1, 1998

Rating Scales in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Use in Assessment and Treatment Monitoring

J Clin Psychiatry 1998;59(suppl 7):24-30

Article Abstract

Rating scales are valuable tools in both assessment and treatment monitoring. However, caution intheir use is indicated because of several types of rater errors. Recent large-scale normative studies providea set of instruments that cover child, adolescent, and adult ages, with separate gender norms andlarge representative samples. By including DSM-IV symptoms for ADHD in a proposed nationwidestandardization of parent, teacher, and self-report scales, it is apparent that the proposed subtypes ofADHD are reasonable; however, item content in this standardization is somewhat broader than thatproposed by DSM-IV. Empirical indexes were created and cross-validated, providing powerful discriminationbetween ADHD and non-ADHD samples. Separate scoring for the traditional DSM subtypesof ADHD allows both categorical and dimensional measures to be used in assessment and treatmentmonitoring.