As many as one third of the general population suffers from some form of sleep disorder. Althoughsleep disorders are widespread in society, few patients present with overt sleep complaints; theyinstead present with symptoms of fatigue, excessive sleepiness, and impaired waking function. Untreatedsleep disorders, particularly insomnia, can lead to potentially life-threatening automobilecrashes and industrial accidents. In addition, poor motor, mental, and cognitive function at home,work, and school can negatively impact a patient’s quality of life. Therefore, physicians must maintaina high index of suspicion for sleep disorders whenever they see patients, and they must ask sleep-relatedquestions during office visits for acute conditions, chronic conditions, and annual physicalexaminations. Today’s “24/7” society experiences sleep disorders in ever-increasing numbers, andpeople who work shifts are at risk for developing circadian rhythm sleep disorder, particularly shiftwork sleep disorder. Physicians must engage their patients in a discussion of their occupations andsleeping habits in order to detect and treat sleep disorders.
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