Letter to the Editor May 15, 2005

Reply to "Injection Site Pain With Long-Acting Risperidone"

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J Clin Psychiatry 2005;66(5):657-657

Article Abstract

Because this piece has no abstract, we have provided for your benefit the first 3 sentences of the full text.’ ‹

Sir: We thank Drs. Pinninti and Mago for making the importantpoint that pain at the injection site might hamper compliancewith long-acting antipsychotics. Although they report thatpain at the injection site after administration of long-acting risperidoneis common in their patients, this observation does notmatch the reports of pain assessments in published trials or inour clinical experience.In the assessment of the impact of repeated injectionswith long-acting risperidone reported by Kane et al.,1 investigatorsrated pain at the injection site immediately after the sixthinjection as absent in 90% of patients in the placebo group andabsent in 80%, 81%, and 84% of patients in the 25-, 50-, and75-mg risperidone groups, respectively.’ ‹