Letter to the Editor August 16, 2004

Reply to "Possible Impact of Dropout in a Study ofHigh-Dose Olanzapine and Prolactin Levels"


J Clin Psychiatry 2004;65(8):1150

Article Abstract

Because this piece does not have an abstract, we have provided for your benefit the first 3 sentences of the full text.

Sir: While we agree that dropouts could potentially influence this type of study, in this particular study they did not. All patients were from the senior author’s (J.L.K.’s ) clinical practice, and no patient meeting the inclusion criteria dropped out. All patients had to be taking at least 20 mg/day of olanzapine for at least 4 months. Furthermore, any patient who would have dropped out prior to meeting inclusion criteria could not have been considered to be on high-dose, long-term treatment. This study was not intended to address the issue of prolactin elevation after low-dose or short-term treatment with olanzapine.