Letter to the Editor October 15, 1996

Shared Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in a Married Couple: A New Variant of Folie a Deux?

J Clin Psychiatry 1996;57(10):489

Article Abstract

Letter to the Editor

Sir: Despite the paucity of cases, dozens of papers havebeen written on the uncommon diagnosis of folie ×  deux. Perhapsone factor accounting for this interest is the rare inclusionof more than one person in a diagnosis and the fact thatin all cases of folie ×  deux reviewed by the author, as well asin DSM-IV, patients are universally defined as delusional(shared psychotic disorder), often with bizarre content in thedelusions. No accounts of these patients with which the authoris familiar have included obsessive-compulsive disorderor for that matter any other nonpsychotic diagnosis.