Editorial January 15, 2011

Our Sincere Thanks


J Clin Psychiatry 2011;72(1):6-10

Article Abstract

Our Sincere Thanks

Technology rockets forward. Most doctors we know carry smart phones nowadays. And we often refer to these devices for patient-care issues. It seems like yesterday when editing JCP involved high stacks of paper manuscripts and reviews. (OK, it was about a decade.) Now submissions travel in earth-friendly electrons.

And medical science certainly rides the waves of new technology. Wasn’ t it the day before yesterday when we got our first CT scanner to image the brain at the Massachusetts General? (Well, OK, it was almost 4 decades.) But today we can image the structure and function of the living brain and await the impact on personalized patient care. The papers we review at JCP bear the stamp of these dramatic scientific advances.

But the fundamentals of the transmission of new medical knowledge remain a constant. Creative, hard working scientists and clinicians make discoveries, capture these in words and pictures, and submit them to peer review. As editors, we are constantly mindful and appreciative of the passion, altruism, and devotion of so many busy colleagues who give freely of their time and talent to review submitted articles.

For New Year 2011, the Editors toast to the health and success of the peer reviewers who helped us out over the year past. And our special thanks and extra toast to those who have gone "above and beyond" in their reviewing service to our Journal, the esteemed members of our Circle of Honor. To JCP‘s authors, staff, reviewers, and readers, we wish a very Happy New Year!

Alan J. Gelenberg, MD

Marlene P. Freeman, MD

Figure 1

James Dalen, MD, MPH

Joseph F. Goldberg, MD

John H. Greist, MD

Anne M. Herring, PhD

James W. Jefferson, MD

James H. Kocsis, MD

Richard Lane, MD, PhD

John C. Markowitz, MD

Roger E. Meyer, MD

J. Craig Nelson, MD

Andrew A. Nierenberg, MD

Michael K. Popkin, MD

Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, MD

Barbara O. Rothbaum, PhD

José M. Santiago, MD

Erika Saunders, MD

Katherine L. Wisner, MD

Carlos A. Zarate, Jr, MD

Mark Zimmerman, MD

Reviewers for The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
December 2, 2009 — December 1, 2010

Chris C. Abbott, MD

Ann Abramowitz, PhD

Lenard A. Adler, MD

Ofer Agid, MD

Geoffrey L. Ahern, MD, PhD

Michael H. Allen, MD

Christer Allgulander, MD

Pino Alonso, MD, PhD

Alfredo Carlo Altamura, MD

Jay D. Amsterdam, MD

Gerhard Andersson, PhD

Chittaranjan Andrade, MD

Ole Andreas Andreassen, MD, PhD

Adrian Angold, MD

Paul S. Appelbaum, MD

Katherine Appleton, PhD

R. Robert Auger, MD

George Awad, MD, PhD

David A. Axelson, MD

Jose Luis Ayuso-Mateo, MD, PhD

Laurent Azoulay, PhD

Ann Bagchi, PhD

Ravi Balasubramanian, PhD

Richard Balon, MD

Trino Baptista, MD

Jacques P. P. Barber, PhD

Nigel M. Bark, MD

Mark S. Bauer, MD

Per Bech, MD

Murray Bennett, MD

Gregor Emanual Berger, MD

Michael Berk, PhD

Steven Berkowitz, MD

Gail Bernstein, MD

Ravi Bhat, MD

Joseph Biederman, MD

Kristin L. Bigos, PhD

Tom Kasper Birkenhager, MD, PhD

Garth Bissette, PhD

Edward O. Bixler, PhD

James Bjork, PhD

Donald W. Black, MD

Emma K. Robertson Blackmore, PhD

Joseph C. Blader, PhD

Carlos Blanco, MD, PhD

Pierre Bleau, MD

Pierre Blier, MD, PhD

William Victor Bobo, MD

J. Alexander Bodkin, MD

James A. Bourgeois, MD

Charles L. Bowden, MD

Adrian Boyle, MPhil, MRCP

Bethany Brand, PhD

William R. Breakey, MD

Nicholas J. Breitborde, PhD

David A. Brent, MD

Joshua Breslau, PhD, ScD

Becky A. Briesacher, PhD

Margaret Briggs-Gowan, PhD

John O. Brooks, III, PhD, MD

Charlotte Brown, PhD

Thomas E. Brown, PhD

Michael Browning, MBBS, MRCP

Richard A. Bryant, PhD

Peter F. Buckley, MD

Julia D. Buckner, PhD

Oscar Buckstein, MD, MPH

Scott Bunce, PhD

Katherine Elizabeth Burdick, PhD

Fred Busch, MD

Regina Bussing, MD

Lara Caeiro, MS

Shawn P. Cahill, PhD

Joseph R. Calabrese, MD

Carla M. Canuso, MD

Vladimir Carli, MD

Gabrielle A. Carlson, MD

Stanley N. Caroff, MD

Will Carpenter, MD

Richard J. Caselli, MD

Frederick Cassidy, MD

F. Xavier Castellanos, MD

E. Castro-Costa, PhD

Shu-Sen Chang, PhD

I-Chia Chien, MD, PhD

Pratap Chokka, MD

James C.-Y. Chou, MD

Leslie Citrome, MD, MPH

Paula J. Clayton, MD

Marylene Cloitre, PhD

Susan Cochran, PhD, MS

Lee S. Cohen, MD

Tony A. Cohn, MBChB, MS

Claire Coles, PhD

Brent Collett, PhD

Michael T. Compton, MD, MPH

Daniel Connor, MD, PhD

Philippe Conus, MD

Yeates Conwell, MD

Ian A. Cook, MD

David Coon, PhD

Joachim Cordes, MD

Barbara A. Cornblatt, PhD

Maria R. Corral, MD

William H. Coryell, MD

Colin Cowan, MD

Mark Creamer, PhD

Paul Crits-Christoph, PhD

Paul Eugene Croarkin, DO

Mario Cruz, MD

Pim Cuijpers, PhD

Larry Culpepper, MD, MPH

Gregory W. Dalack, MD

Jonathan R. T. Davidson, MD

Karina Davidson, MD

John M. Davis, MD

W. B. Daviss, MD

Paola Dazzan, MD, PhD

Marc De Hert, MD, PhD

Rachel Dekel, PhD

Brian Delaney, PsyD

Jose de Leon, MD

Harold J. DeMonaco, MS, RPH

Ellen B. Dennehy, PhD

Colin Andrew Depp, PhD

Robert DeRubeis, PhD

Michael J. Detke, MD, PhD

Davangere Prahalad Devanand, MD

John Diamond, MD

Francisco J. Diaz, PhD

Juliana Belo Diniz, MD

Lisa Dixon, MD, MPH

Alexandre Y. Dombrovski, MD

Julie M. Donohue, PhD

Kathleen C. Dougherty, MD

David Alexander Drachman, MD

Richard James Drake, PhD

Nehama Dresner, MD

Mina Dulcan, MD

David W. Dunn, MD

Graham Dunn, PhD

David L. Dunner, MD

Linda S. Durst, MD

Willie Earley, MD

Burr S. Eichelman, MD

Vicky L. Ellingrod, PhD

Rif S. El-Mallakh, MD

David C. Emelity, MD

Robin A. Emsley, MD

Graham J. Emslie, MD

Murray W. Enns, MD

C. Neill Epperson, MD

Linda Ercoli, PhD

Nir Essar, MD

Stewart Alan Factor, MD

Xiaoduo Fan, MD

Martin R. Farlow, MD

Jan Fawcett, MD

Kim L. Felmingham, PhD

Max Fink, MD

Michael A. Flaum, MD

W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker, MD

Marshal Folstein, MD

Leonardo F. Fontenelle, MD

David Forbes, PhD

Julian D. Ford, PhD

Ariadna Forray, MD

Gregory Foster, MD

Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis, MD, PhD

Andrew Francis, PhD, MD

Ellen Frank, PhD

Frances R. Frankenburg, MD

Ellen W. Freeman, PhD

Scott A. Freeman, MD

Gregory Fricchione, MD

Matthew J. Friedman, MD, PhD

Susan Hatters Friedman, MD

Thomas Frodl, MD

B. Christopher Frueh, PhD

Frédéric Fumeron, PhD

Wolfgang Gaebel, MD

Prashant Gajwani, MD

Cathryn Ann Galanter, MD

Clarissa Severino Gama, MD, PhD

Stephanie Gamble, PhD

Keming Gao, MD, PhD

George Gardos, MD

Bradley Gaynes, MD, MPH

Yonas E. Geda, MD

Edward Gentile, DO, MBA

Salvatore Gentile, MD

Mark S. George, MD

Thomas Geracioti, MD

Tobias Gerhard, PhD

Anne Germain, PhD

Elliot S. Gershon, MD

Nassir Ghaemi, MD, MPH

Subroto Ghose, MD, PhD

Robert D. Gibbons, PhD

William S. Gilmer, MD

Alexander H. Glassman, MD

John Francis Gleeson, PhD

Vivette Glover, PhD, DSc

Anne Glowinski, MD, MPE

Namni Goel, PhD

Donald C. Goff, MD

Benjamin I. Goldstein, MD, PhD

Jill M. Goldstein, PhD

David Goldston, PhD

Jackie K. Gollan, PhD

Karl Goodkin, MD, PhD

Guy M. Goodwin, MD

Angela Gorman, PhD

Jack M. Gorman, MD

Philip Gorwood, MD, PhD

Barbara L. Gracious, MD

Marco A. Grados, MD

Bridget F. Grant, PhD, PhD

Jon E. Grant, JD, MD

John F. Greden, MD

Joel Greenhouse, PhD

Simon E. Gregory, MD, MPH

Bernard I. Grosser, MD

Jeff J. Guo, PharmD, PhD

Robin Gurwitch, PhD

Donald Guthrie, PhD

Lisa P. Gwyther, MSW, LCSW

John H. Halpern, MD

Jerry L. Halverson, MD

Michiko Hamba, PhD

Ahmad Hameed, MD

Margaret Haney, PhD

Benjamin L. Hankin, PhD

Patricia L. Haynes, PhD

Jessica A. Hellings, MD

Aude Henin, PhD

Fritz Henn, MD, PhD

Paula L. Hensley, MD

Steven T. Herron, MD

Marvin I. Herz, MD

Rosario Hidalgo, MD

Hubertus Himmerich, MD

April Hirschberg, MD

Robert M. A. Hirschfeld, MD

Richard I. G. Holt, MB, PhD

Alan Horowitz, PhD

Sarah McCue Horwitz, PhD

John P. Houston, MD, PhD

Robert H. Howland, MD

Xuemei Huang, MD, PhD

Edward D. Huey, MD

Miller Hugh, MD

Isabelle M. Hunt, PhD

Mustafa M. Husain, MD

Celia F. Hybels, PhD

Dan V. Iosifescu, MD

Douglas Jacobs, MD

Robin B. Jarrett, PhD

Wei Jiang, MD

Hadine Joffe, MD, MSc

Bradley Johnson, MD

Sheri L. Johnson, PhD

Sterling Johnson, PhD

Gagan Joshi, MD

Peter Richard Joyce, MD, PhD, DSc

Vivian Kafantaris, MD

Amir H. Kalali, MD

Kyle M. Kampman, MD

John M. Kane, MD

Shitij Kapur, MD, PhD

Rakesh Karmacharya, MD, PhD

Siegfried Kasper, MD, PhD

Joanna Katsanis, PhD

David J. Katzelnick, MD

John Keilp, PhD

Samuel J. Keith, MD

Gabor I. Keitner, MD

David E. Kemp, MD

George Kenna, PhD

Sidney H. Kennedy, MD

Martha Kent, MD

Hari-Mandir Kaur Khalsa, MS

Arif Khan, MD

Amy M. Kilbourne, PhD, MPH

Suck Won Kim, MD

Timothy Kimbrell, MD

Bruce J. Kinon, MD

Brian Kirkpatrick, MD

Daniel Klein, PhD

Willem Kop, PhD

Susan G. Kornstein, MD

Suresh Kotagal, MD

Robert A. Kowatch, MD

Andrew Kozel, MD

Helena C. Kraemer, PhD

Roger M. Kurlan, MD

Mei-Shu Lai, MD, PhD

Hsien-Yuan Lane, MD, PhD

Berthold Langguth, MD

John Lauriello, MD

Philip Lazarus, PhD

Hochang Benjamin Lee, MD

Tih-Shih Warren Lee, MD

Hoyle Leigh, MD

Andrew C. Leon, PhD

Brian Leonard, PhD, DSc

Douglas L. Leslie, PhD

François Lespérance, MD

Stefan Leucht, MD

Andrew F. Leuchter, MD

Frances Rudnick Levin, MD

Richard L. Levine, MD

Philip Levy, MD

Stephen F. Lewis, MD

Alfred J. Lewy, MD, PhD

Chenhui Li, PhD

Zhicheng Lin, PhD

Paul S. Links, MD

Don H. Linszen, PhD

Peter J. Litwin, MD

Jianjun Liu, PhD

Marianne Lloyd, PhD

Nancy C. P. Low, MD

Joan L. Luby, MD

Jeremy Luk, BS, BA

Shari Lusskin, MD

R. Bruce Lydiard, PhD, MD

Lefteris Lykouras, MD, PhD

Tony Maden, PhD

Mark Mahowald, MD

Fauzia Mahr, MD

Mario Maj, MD, PhD

Alan G. Mallinger, MD

Richard P. Malone, MD

Rachel Manber, PhD

J. John Mann, MD

David Marks, PhD

Meghan Marsac, PhD

Wendy K. Marsh, MD

Andres Martin, MD, MPH

Silvia S. Martins, MD, PhD

Barbara J. Mason, PhD

David Mataix-Cols, PhD

Shahrzad Mavandadi, PhD

Marianna Mazza, MD, PhD

Jon M. McClellan, MD

Shawn M. McClintock, PhD

Tracey McDonald, RN, PhD

William M. McDonald, MD

Susan L. McElroy, MD

Joseph P. McEvoy, MD

James J. McGough, MD

Diane McIntosh, MD

Nadine Melhem, PhD

Kristina Melkersson, MD, PhD

Herbert Y. Meltzer, MD

Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH

Kathleen R. Merikangas, PhD

Erick Messias, MD

Barnett S. Meyers, MD

Jamie Micco, PhD

Robert J. Miceli, PhD

Eric Mick, ScD

Snezana Milanovic, MD, MSc

William P. Milchak, LCSW

Alexander L. Miller, MD

Laura Miller, MD

Allison Milner, BPsych (Hons)

Barbara L. Milrod, MD

David Mischoulon, MD, PhD

James E. Mitchell, MD

Hans-Jüergen Möeller, MD

Richard C. Mohs, PhD

Akira Monji, MD

Catherine Monk, PhD

Erwin B. Montgomery, Jr, MD

Stuart A. Montgomery, MD, PhD

Marc Mooney, PhD

Gregory J. Moore, MD, PhD

Troy A. Moore, PharmD

Francisco A. Moreno, MD

Megan Moreno, MD

Bernard M. Morenz, III, MD

David A. Mrazek, MD

Trine Munk-Olsen, PhD

Pפivi Myllynen, MD, PhD

Dieter Naber, MD, PhD

Davide Nardo, PhD

Don Nease, MD

Yuval Neria, PhD

David N. Neubauer, MD

Keith Neuchterlein, PhD

John W. Newcomer, MD

Willem A. Nolen, MD, PhD

Douglas L. Noordsy, MD

Georg Northoff, MD, PhD

Danielle M. Novick, PhD

Irena Nulman, MD

H. George Nurnberg, MD

Tim F. Oberlander, MD

Charles O’ Brien, MD, PhD

Louise O’ Brien, PhD

Maurice M. Ohayon, MD, DSc, PhD

John M. Oldham, MD

Mark Olfson, MD

Rene L. Olvera, MD, MPH

Dost Ongur, MD, PhD

Maria A. Oquendo, MD

Dan A. Oren, MD

Michael J. Ostacher, MD, MPH

Stefano Pallanti, MD

George I. Papakostas, MD

Carmine M. Pariante, MD, PhD

Joel Paris, MD

Gordon B. Parker, MD, PhD, DSc

Barbara Parry, MD

Ruth Parslow, PhD

Timo Partonen, MD, PhD

Jennifer L. Payne, MD

Jessica D. Payne, PhD

Kimberly H. Pearson, MD

Brenda W. J. H. Penninx, PhD

Roy H. Perlis, MD, MSc

Eric D. Peselow, MD

Georgios Petrides, MD

Theodore Petti, MD

Ronald W. Pies, MD

Daniel J. Pilowsky, MD, MPH

Harold B. Pinkofsky, MD, PhD

William Pitchot, PhD

Christopher Pittenger, MD

Steven R. Pliszka, MD

Mark H. Pollack, MD

Harrison G. Pope, MD

Kelly Posner, PhD

Robert M. Post, MD

Michael A. Posternak, MD

Sarah Pratt, PhD

Sheldon H. Preskorn, MD

Rumi Kato Price, PhD

Christina Psaros, PhD

Stuart F. Quan, MD

John C. Racy, MD

Chiara Rafanelli, MD, PhD

Elham Rahme, PhD

Sriram Ramaswamy, MD

Jonathan Rampono, MB ChB

Mark H. Rapaport, MD

Mark Rapp, MD

Murray A. Raskind, MD

Steven A. Rasmussen, MD

Sheila A. Rauch, PhD

James Reich, MD

Thomas Reichenbacher, MD

Michelle B. Riba, MD

Karl Rickels, MD

Anita Riecher-Roessler, MD

Arthur E. Rifkin, MD

Adelaide S. Robb, MD

Andrea L. Roberts, PhD

Laura Roberts, MD

Delbert G. Robinson, MD

Robert G. Robinson, MD

Paul Rohde, MD, PhD

Steven P. Roose, MD

Patricia I. Rosebush, MD

Robert A. Rosenheck, MD

Anthony J. Rothschild, MD

Alec Roy, MD

Christian Rück, MD, PhD

Joe Ruzek, PhD

Maya Rydzewski, MD

Regina Sala, MD

Carl Salzman, MD

Gerard Sanacora, MD, PhD

Kirti Saxena, MD

Sanjaya Saxena, MD

Jeremiah Scharf, MD, PhD

Alan F. Schatzberg, MD

Jeffrey Scherrer, PhD

Steven C. Schlozman, MD

Lon S. Schneider, MD

Rosa Schnyer, LAc

S. Charles Schulz, MD

Glenn Warren Schwarcz, MD

Mary V. Seeman, MDCM

Tom Sensky, PhD

Alessandro Serretti, MD

Andrew Sewell, MD

John H. Shale, MD, JD

Arieh Y. Shalev, MD

Yong Shen, MD, PhD

Kenneth Sher, PhD

Bryna Siegel, PhD

Larry Siever, MD

Edward Silberman, MD

Henry Silver, DPM

Alan Simmons, PhD

Gregory E. Simon, MD

Naomi M. Simon, MD

George M. Simpson, MD

H. B. Simpson, MD, PhD

Steven C. Sinderman, MD

Ravi Singareddy, MD

Manpreet Singh, MS

Swaran P. Singh, MD

Samuel G. Siris, MD

Michael Skilton, PhD

Andrew E. Skodol, MD

Gary W. Small, MD

Ashley Wilder Smith, PhD, MPH

Gwenn S. Smith, PhD

Joshua Smith, PhD

Kathy W. Smith, MD

Zahava Solomon, PhD

Susan South, PhD

Thomas J. Spencer, MD

Margaret Spinelli, MD

Anthony Spirito, PhD

Lucy Irene Spirling, MBBS, MRCPsych

Alexandra L. Sporn, MD

Henry J. Steadman, PhD

Marc Stone, MD

Cynthia M. Stonnington, MD

Jon Streltzer, MD

Vincent Strumolo, MS

Alan C. Swann, MD

Rajiv Tandon, MD

David Taylor, PhD, MRPharmS

Michael Terman, PhD

A. F. Thachil, MD

Michael E. Thase, MD

Yonette Thomas, PhD

Sengwee Toh, ScD

Mauricio Tohen, MD, DrPH

Leonardo Tondo, MD

Albina R. Torres, MD, PhD

Timothy Trull, PhD

Peter Tuerk, PhD

Larry E. Tune, MD

Peter J. Tyrer, MD

Golfo Tzilos, PhD

Jan S. Ulbrecht, MD

Marcia Valenstein, MD

Michael Van Ameringen, MD

Jim Van Os, MD, PhD

Richard Van Rhoads, MD

Dawn Irene Velligan, PhD

Helen Verdeli, PhD

Per Vestergaard, MD

Alexandros Vgontzas, MD

Eduard Vieta, MD, PhD

W. Victor R. Vieweg, MD

Ester Villalonga-Olives, MSc

Jan Volavka, MD, PhD

Betty Wang, MD

Chi-Chuan Wang, MHPA

Stuart Watson, MD

Peter J. Weiden, MD

Richard D. Weiner, MD, PhD

Mark Weiser, MD

Thomas Weisner, PhD

Anthony P. Weiss, MD, MBA

Roger D. Weiss, MD

Amy West, PhD

William Whang, MD

Christian Georg Widschwendter, MD

Timothy E. Wilens, MD

Aliza P. Wingo, MD

John W. Winkleman, MD, PhD

Donna Ames Wirshing, MD

Thomas N. Wise, MD

Joanne Wojcik, MS, CS

Bryan Woodruff, MD

Douglas W. Woods, PhD

Scott W. Woods, MD

Janet Wozniak, MD

Joel Yager, MD

William R. Yates, MD

Peter Yellowlees, MD

Ilona Yim, PhD

Eric A. Youngstrom, PhD

Raffaella Zanardi, MD

Alex Zautra, PhD

Mark I. Zetin, MD

Sara Zeugmann, MA

Sidney Zisook, MD

Gwen L. Zornberg, MD, ScD