Letter to the Editor November 30, 2008

Suicidal Ideation and Varenicline: A Possible Case of Mistaken Adverse Drug Reaction?

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J Clin Psychiatry 2008;69(11):1834-1835

Article Abstract

Because this piece has no abstract, we have provided for your benefit the first 3 sentences of the full text.

Sir: Varenicline, an a4ן2 nicotinic acetylcholine partial agonist,has been licensed in the United Kingdom (and approved inthe United States) for the treatment of tobacco dependencesince 2006. Studies have shown varenicline to result in highersmoking cessation rates over placebo, bupropion, and nicotinereplacement therapy (NRT). In the one study conducted todate, varenicline was also seen to be effective in smokers withmental illness, there being no evidence of excess adverse eventsor exacerbation of preexisting conditions.’ ‹