Because this piece does not have an abstract, we have provided for your benefit the first 3 sentences of the full text.
Thank You to JCPÂ Peer Reviewers
At The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, we continuously strive to put forth high-quality offerings, including reports of original research, systematic reviews, commentaries, and continuing medical education opportunities. The works we publish embody our mission to serve practicing psychiatric clinicians, to advance clinical research, and, most importantly, to positively impact patient care.
At The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, we continuously strive to put forth high-quality offerings, including reports of original research, systematic reviews, commentaries, and continuing medical education opportunities. The works we publish embody our mission to serve practicing psychiatric clinicians, to advance clinical research, and, most importantly, to positively impact patient care. It is critical to have knowledgeable and conscientious reviewers in order to responsibly advance evidence-based treatment. Peer reviewers make up an integral part of the scientific community and enrich the field.
Those who have both the expertise and generosity to perform the task of peer review are in an ideal position to mentor others to do the same. I hope that our esteemed reviewers will reach out to junior colleagues and invite them to, with mentorship, become reviewers. We also welcome opportunities to identify junior and midlevel colleagues who are advancing in our field and would like to join us in the process of peer review. As an editor, I am often asked how one can become more involved with a journal. Becoming a reviewer is an excellent way to do so, as peer reviewing makes us better-informed readers, writers, researchers, and practitioners. This year, we will begin offering CME credit as a benefit to peer reviewers. To learn more about the peer review process, visit
As always, we are grateful for the contributions of all JCP Editorial Board members and reviewers, and we commemorate our highest volume reviewers with inclusion in the Circle of Honor.
We hope the new year is one of peace and good health for all of you.
Chittaranjan Andrade
Dara A. Babinski
Enrique Baca-Garcia
Richard Balon
Joseph Biederman
E. Sherwood Brown
Taylor A. Burke
Raffaella Calati
Crystal T. Clark
Jessica Deslauriers
Joseph F. Goldberg
Traci M. Kennedy
Susan G. Kornstein
Matthew M. Large
Jorge Lopez-Castroman
Francisco A. Moreno
J. Craig Nelson
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Emilie Olié
Michael J. Ostacher
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Reviewers for The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
December 5, 2018-December 5, 2019
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Dara E. Babinski
Enrique Baca-Garcia
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E. Sherwood Brown
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Inger Burnett-Zeigler
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Julie Magno Zito
Published online: January 21, 2020.
J Clin Psychiatry 2019;80(1):19ed13204
To cite: Freeman MP. Thank you to our peer reviewers. J Clin Psychiatry. 2020;81(1):19ed13204.
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