Because this piece has no abstract, we have provided for your benefit the first 3 sentences of the full text.
Sir: Two of us (I.D.G., J.M.D.) recently had an articlepublished in the Journal1 which suggested that concomitantpsychotropic medications (CPMs) may not improve outcomeof antipsychotic monotherapy for stabilized patients withnonacute schizophrenia. In the article, we stated that "to ourknowledge, there have been no published reports of prospectiveinvestigations of systematic discontinuation of concomitantmedication in this patient population (i.e., nonacute,stabilized patients with schizophrenia)."1(p1262)As it happens, one prospective, double-blind, randomized,controlled study of the discontinuation of adjunctive antidepressantmedication, during maintenance-phase treatment hadbeen conducted.2‘ ‹’ ‹
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