Book Review September 30, 2000

Treatment for Chronic Depression: Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP)

J Clin Psychiatry 2000;61(9):684

Article Abstract

From our regular book review column.

Recent reports that patients with chronic depression respond to the cognitive-behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP), especially in association with nefazodone, made this book compulsory reading. What a relief—not a mention of the word serotonin! Now, having read it twice, it is clear that the book will become more than compulsory reading: it will become a keystone for advanced training in the psychotherapy of patients with chronic depression. Describing CBASP, McCullough shows true mastery of a novel therapy approach for difficult, refractory, chronically depressed patients. His book offers two types of readers a valuable organization of therapeutic strategy for these patients. For the researcher, McCullough demonstrates a clinically significant therapy approach for chronic depression that begs consideration of certification in this method. For the seasoned clinician, the synthesis of pathologic processes and approaches to their treatment will inspire a refreshing view of difficult therapeutic problems.