Patient Care is at the heart of psychiatry. It encompasses the holistic approach to understanding, diagnosing, and treating individuals with mental health challenges. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry emphasizes the importance of compassionate, evidence-based care, offering insights into best practices, therapeutic relationships, and patient-centered approaches. Our expert editors curate content that underscores the significance of empathy, communication, and understanding in the therapeutic process, ensuring optimal outcomes for patients.
Patient Care
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Recently published articles about Patient Care
Beyond the DSM: The Perspectives of Psychiatry Approach to Patients
February 23, 2012
This article presents an alternative approach to the DSM for the understanding and treatment of patients with psychiatric conditions. This alternative approach, based on The Perspectives of Psychiatry, requires...
Rounds in the General Hospital
Recognition of Psychiatric Symptoms and Conditions in Latino Patients
November 24, 2011
Do psychiatric symptoms manifest differently in Latino patients? How should you screen for psychiatric problems in these patients? Read this case vignette and discussion to explore some of the...
Role of the General Practitioner in the Care of Patients Recently Discharged From the Hospital After a First Psychotic Episode: Influence of Length of Stay
September 29, 2011
The objectives of this study were to describe the role of the general practitioner in providing postdischarge care to patients with first-episode psychosis in terms of frequency and type...
Clinical Effectiveness of Using an Integrated Model to Treat Depressive Symptoms in Veterans Affairs Primary Care Clinics and Its Impact on Health Care Utilization
August 18, 2011
The objective of this study was to determine if veterans treated in an integrated mental health program within a Veterans Affairs primary care clinic sustained long-term improvement in depressive...
Aggressive Patient Behaviors Related to Medical Care: A Cross-Sectional Self-Report Survey
August 11, 2011
How common are verbal threats, physical abuse, and other aggressive patient behaviors in the medical setting? To answer this question, the authors of this study examined the self-reported prevalence...