Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is a specialized field addressing the mental health challenges of younger populations. From developmental disorders like ADHD to mood disturbances and the effects of trauma, young individuals face unique challenges. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry provides detailed insights into these conditions, their diagnosis, treatment, and long-term implications. Our expert editors ensure that the content is both comprehensive and relevant, helping psychiatrists navigate the complexities of mental health care in younger age groups and ensuring that our youth receive the specialized attention they deserve.
Pediatric Psychiatry
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Recently published articles about Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Original Research
Endothelial Function in Youth With Bipolar Disorder
May 1, 2023
Bipolar disorder (BD) confers risk for accelerated atherosclerosis and early cardiovascular disease. This study found that youth with BD have anomalous reactive hyperemia index (RHI)—a measure of endothelial function—which...