Suicide is a grave public health concern, with profound psychiatric implications. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry provides an in-depth exploration of the factors leading to suicidal ideation and attempts, emphasizing prevention, intervention, and postvention strategies. Our expert editors curate content that sheds light on the complexities of this issue, ensuring psychiatrists are equipped with the knowledge to offer timely and compassionate care to those at risk.
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Recently published articles about Suicide
Original Research
Worsening of Suicidal Ideation During AD Treatment
May 7, 2019
Antidepressants are effective in preventing suicide, but some antidepressant-treated patients experience increased suicidal ideation. Read this article to learn if clinical features and biomarkers can predict worsened suicidal ideation...
Case Report
Resolution of Suicidality and Depressive Symptoms After Hanging Attempt
April 18, 2019
Is involuntary psychiatric hospitalization always needed after a suicide attempt? Read about 2 cases of resolution of depressive symptoms and suicidality following a suicide attempt by hanging, thus questioning...
Original Research
Effectiveness of 3 Suicide Prevention Programs
February 26, 2019
Most evidence concerning suicide prevention strategies comes from either non-experimental epidemiologic designs or randomized controlled trials, but there is a growing call for data from actual clinical practice. Learn...