Editorial February 24, 2011

New Beginnings

Prim Care Companion CNS Disord 2011;13(1):e1-e2

Article Abstract

New Beginnings

Our journal now has a new name and an expanded role in keeping you up to date on best practices. The shift from The Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, with a focus on primary care psychiatry, to The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders reflects a validation of the perspective that there is no mind-body separation. Psychiatry engages in evidence-based treatment of brain diseases that have behavioral and interpersonal and intrapersonal psychic manifestations. And, just as there is no clean line, particularly in the primary care arena, that separates a “psychiatric condition” from others that we treat, nor should there be a division in our engagement with related new knowledge. Are dementia, Tourette’s disorder, and Pick’s disease psychiatric conditions or somatic conditions, or somatic diseases with psychiatric manifestations? The reality is that these questions hold little relevance or validity either for our patients or for us as their treating professionals.

Our expanded mission is to provide you with a vital online environment, articulated through the journal format, of best evidence, whether from randomized trials, observational research, or the experience of other clinicians, to guide your care of patients with diseases involving the central nervous system, recognizing their myriad manifestations, pathological processes, and opportunities for treatment.

At this time of new beginnings, I am delighted to have the opportunity to recognize those dedicated professionals who anonymously and generously share their expertise with you, our reader, through participation as Companion reviewers. They are the gatekeepers who maintain our scientific standards, and, as a group, they include the breadth of expertise mandated by our expanded mission. With great appreciation we thank all of our peer reviewers for their professional commitment.

Larry Culpepper, MD, MPH

Peer Reviewers for The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders
January 1, 2010-December 31, 2010

Analuc×­a A. Alegr×­a, BS

Jonathan Alpert, MD, PhD

Gustavo Alva, MD

Shahul Ameen, MD

David Axelrod, MD

Tami D. Benton, MD

Timothy Berigan, DDS, MD

Pierre Bleau, MD

J. M. Bostwick, MD

E. Sherwood Brown, MD, PhD

Carlo G. Carandang, MD

Michael P. Carson, MD

Joseph M. Cerimele, MD

Jenny Chong, PhD

Paula J. Clayton, MD

Jeffrey S. Cluver, MD

Daniel E. Diamond, MD

Steven C. Dilsaver, MD

Jamie M. Dupuy, MD

Jay Ellis, MD

William Falk, MD

Christine T. Finn, MD

Renerio Fraguas, MD

Jennifer L. Francis, PhD

Paula Gardiner, MD

David S. Geldmacher, MD

Jean-Louis Goeb, MD

Benjamin Goldstein, MD, PhD

Jack Gorman, MD

Urban Gustafsson, PhD

Emily W. Harville, PhD

Stanton C. Honig, MD

Markus Huber, MD

James J. Hudson, MD

Rachael Irving, PhD

Keith E. Isenberg, MD

Sharon E. Jacob, MD

Jonathan Kanter, PhD

Sabrina Khan, MD

Kurt Kroenke, MD

Alan Langlieb, MD

Martin J. La Roche, PhD

Joseph A. Lieberman, MD

Steven E. Locke, MD

Teresa D. Long, MD

Raymond C. Love, PharmD

Evette Joy Ludman, PhD

Vishal Madaan, MD

J. Sloan Manning, MD

David M. Marks, MD

Prakash M. Masand, MD

Robert M. McCarron, DO

Siobhan K. McManus, MBChB, MRCP

Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH

Andreas Michalsen, MD

Kesavan Muralidharan, MD

Philip R. Muskin, MD

Susan T. Nedorost, MD

John W. Newcomer, MD

Stephen E. Nicolson, MD

John Onate, MD

George Papakostas, MD

Joel Paris, MD

Elizabeth Penick, PhD

Mark H. Pollack, MD

Jeffrey Rado, MD

Frederick W. Reimherr, MD

Hugh Rickards, MD

Sarah K. Rivelli, MD

Peter B. Rosenquist, MD

James R. Rundell, MD

Martin A. Samuels, MD

Randy A. Sansone, MD

Russell E. Scheffer, MD

Leonard J. Schmidt, MD

Dean Schuyler, MD

Thomas L. Schwenk, MD

David A. Sclar, BPharm, PhD

P. S. V. N. Sharma, MD, DPM

Debbie L. Shawcross, PhD

Arthur J. Siegel, MD

A. Lee Solomon, MD

Marijo B. Tamburrino, MD

Karen A. Tourian, MD

L. Lee Tynes, MD

Lisa A. Uebelacker, PhD

Benjamin Van Voorhees, MD, MPH

Shivarama Varambally, MD

Victor Vieweg, MD

Karen D. Wagner, MD, PhD

Bradley V. Watts, MD

Michael A. Webber, MD

Carol Weitzman, MD

John W. Williams, MD

Mark D. Williams, MD

Lawson R. Wulsin, MD

Glen L. Xiong, MD

William R. Yates, MD

Mark Zimmerman, MD

Robert G. Zylstra, EdD, LCSW

Published Online: February 24, 2011 (doi:10.4088/PCC.11ed01165).