Editorial February 23, 2012

Editorial: Moving Forward

Prim Care Companion CNS Disord 2012;14(1):doi:10.4088/PCC.12ed01359

Article Abstract

This past year we initiated a broadening of scope in keeping with the change in the Journal’s name from The Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, with a focus on primary care psychiatry, to The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, with a focus on not only psychiatry but also neurology, pain, sleep, and a host of other disorders of vital interest in primary care. In order to keep you up to date on best practices and to guide your care of patients, we have added a new feature and expanded on others. Rounds From Banner Alzheimer’s Institute now provides an exceptional clinical and continuing medical education resource for the primary care physician or psychiatrist who regularly faces diagnostic and management dilemmas related to cognitive decline and allows for discussion of the range of issues that confront clinicians in practice. The rounds format, with its careful selection of cases and transparency to the range of thinking about diagnostic and management strategies blended with clinically on-point brief articulation of the related science, is high value for the reader. This new offering adds to our other features Rounds in the General Hospital and Psychotherapy Casebook, which provide an opportunity for readers to examine how the evidence we present in research and review articles is translated into daily practice by experts, as well as the many quandaries that are inherent in practice no matter how skilled the clinician.

The expansion of our scope is also evident in the broad range of articles that we publish, from those addressing various dementing illnesses (see for example the article by Zupancic and colleagues on diagnosing and managing dementia with Lewy bodies in primary care) to articles discussing the interplay of medical conditions with psychiatric disease. We continue to provide insight into the latest advances in clinical best practices; see for example the article by Engel and colleagues on the use of an integrated model to treat depression in Veterans Affairs primary care clinics and the review by Katon and Guico-Pabia on the use of organized systems of care to improve the quality of depression care. If you have not delved into the content of our Letters to the Editor section recently, I challenge you to explore these offerings. Many are case and case series reports selected for relevance to practice in keeping with our expanded scope. Would you have pursued the leads to the right diagnosis or considered the treatment strategies presented?

As we have progressed in the broadening of our scope, I want to emphasize the invaluable role of our reviewers, who have contributed their time and expertise this past year. Their feedback over the broad range of content covered has resulted in manuscripts being modified, improved, and made more relevant to our readers. They are the quiet heroes of our scientific enterprise, assuring that the evidence is valid and presented in a manner that is understood and valuable in the clinical arena.

Larry Culpepper, MD, MPH

Reviewers for The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders
January 1, 2011-December 31, 2011

Gustavo Alva, MD

Ajit Awasthi, MD

Enrique Baca-Garcia, MD

Robert L. Barkin, PharmD, MBA

Debasish Basu, MD

Carlotta Belaise, PhD

Timothy Berigan, DDS, MD

Roberto Bernabei, MD

Durga Prasad Bestha, MD

Sonia A. Bhagar, MBBS

Joseph Biederman, MD

Carlos Blanco, MD, PhD

Rafael Blesa, MD, PhD

E. Sherwood Brown, MD, PhD

Kitty Buckwalter, PhD, RN

Harold J. Bursztajn, MD

David J. Castle, MD

Joseph M. Cerimele, MD

Mary C. Cerreto, PhD

Benjamin Chavez, PharmD

Bruce J. Cohen, MD

Mitchell J. M. Cohen, MD

Olivier Cottencin, MD, PhD

Jonathan R.T. Davidson, MB, BS, FRCPsych

Martha Bridge Denckla, MD

Daniel E. Diamond, MD

Dennis W. Dickson, MD

Steven C. Dilsaver, MD

Steven K. Dobscha, MD

Ashish Dugar, PhD

Matthew R. Ebben, PhD

Javier Escobar, MD

Andrea Fagiolini, MD

Antony Fernandez, MD

Jess Fiedorowicz, MD, MS

Christine T. Finn, MD

Robert L. Folmer, PhD

Kenneth E. Freedland, PhD

John R. Freedy, MD, PhD

Bangalore Gangadhar, MBBS, MD

Robert Gardella, MD

Sanju George, MRCPsych

Anastasia Georgiades, PhD

Anne Germain, PhD

Ylva Ginsberg, MD

David W. Goodman, MD

Jack Gorman, MD

Daniel Gros, PhD

Veronica Harsh, MD

Sameh Hassan, MB, BCh, MSc, MRCPsych

Radwan Haykal, MD

Markus Herrmann, MPH, MA

Michael F. Holick, MD, PhD

Robert Howland, MD

Mei-Chun Hsiao, MD

Markus Huber, MD

Mats Humble, MD

Rachael Irving, PhD

Göran Isacsson, MD, PhD

Matthew Jakupcak, PhD

Anand Jayaraman, MRCPsych

Jeanette M. Jerrell, PhD

Ihori Kobayashi, MS

James H. Kocsis, MD

Kurt Kroenke, MD

Benji Thomas Kurian, MD, MPH

Chien-Han Lai, MD

Alan Langlieb, MD, MPH, MBA

Joseph A. Lieberman, MD

Fernado Lopes da Silva, MD, PhD

J. Sloan Manning, MD

Marian McDonagh, PharmD

Michael McDonnell, PhD

Hamdy F. Moselhy, MD

Madhav Muppa, MD

Philip R. Muskin, MD

Harpal Nandhra, MRCPsych

Don Nease, MD

Rosemary Nourse, RN, CCRC

H. George Nurnberg, MD

Anand Pandurangi, MD

Christopher G. Pelic, MD

Andras Perl, MD, PhD

Aaron Pierce, DO

Mark H. Pollack, MD

Leo Pozuelo, MD

Gavin Putzer, MD, PhD, MPH

Terry Rabinowitz, MD

Natalie Rasgon, MD, PhD

Tatjana Reichhart, MD

Charles F. Reynolds, MD

Mark A. Riddle, MD

Garrett H. Riggs, MD, PhD

Regina Sala, MD

Randy A. Sansone, MD

Dean Schuyler, MD

David A. Sclar, BPharm, PhD

Gianluca Serafini, MD

Lisa S. Seyfried, MD

Kenneth Shulman, MD

Sherif A. Soliman, MD

Jon Streltzer, MD

Paul Summergrad, MD

Nick Swift, MB, BChir

Jitendra Trivedi, MD

L. Lee Tynes, MD

Lisa A. Uebelacker, PhD

Hendrik van den Bussche, MD

Benjamin W. Van Voorhees, MD, MPH

Hélרne Verdoux, MD, PhD

Victor Vieweg, MD

Karen Dineen Wagner, MD, PhD

Risa B. Weisberg, PhD

Margaret Weiss, MD, PhD

Joseph J. Westermeyer, MD, PhD

Chris Williams, MD

Mark D. Williams, MD

Stephen R. Wisniewski, PhD

Erika J. Wolf, PhD

Lawson R. Wulsin, MD

Glen Lin Xiong, MD

Xiang Xu

William R. Yates, MD

Joel Young, MD