Original Research February 1, 2000

Refractory Depressed and Anxious States in Hyperthymic Women: A Case Series Generated by a Speaking Engagement

Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry 2000;2(1):16-19

Article Abstract

The author discusses 4 referrals that were the direct result of a case description from his own practice that he presented during a lecture on the treatment of mixed anxious and depressive illness in primary care. The cases depict energetic, productive women who suffer fatigue and episodic depressions. These cases suggest that hyperthymic temperaments complicated by depressive episodes represent a form of mood disorder presentation that is highly recognizable and responsive to pharmacologic intervention. Such premorbid temperamental hypomanic tendencies may represent a soft form of bipolar illness that requires somatic strategies in line with those of classic manic depressive illness. The cases underscore the challenge of treating mood disorders and the need for treatment research to reach primary care practitioners, who see the majority of depressed and anxious patients.